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我的良心开始感到刺痛貂。My conscience began to tingle.

振动支持萨伯瑞激动?Vibration support with Sabre Tingle?

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但我每次从这里过,都头皮发麻。But every time I here too, scalp tingle.

没有足够的震撼,只是一个短暂的刺痛感。Not enough for a shock, just a brief tingle.

祝福叮叮,在新家幸福。Tingle blessing, the new home in the well-being.

我被你说的那些感到一种巨大的真理的激动…I got such a huge tingle of Truth as you said that.

小李答应要嫁给他,这使得他像触了电一样。XiaoLi's promise to marry him made his spine tingle.

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我女朋友答应与我结婚使我大为激动。My girlfriend's promise to marry me made my spine tingle.

当凯伦回想起时,一种冰冷刺痛的恐惧蹿上她全身。A cold tingle of fear ran through Karen as she took it all in.

总有些幸福、会刺疼一无所有的我。There are always some happiness, will tingle of nothing to me.

单单是听到这些词句就能让我感受到男子气概的挑衅,并为之兴奋不已。Just the sound of the words makes me tingle with manly aggression.

杰克告诉我比赛结果的时候,他使我大为激动。When Jack told me the result of the game, he made my spine tingle.

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它能有效治疗耳鸣、偏头痛、鼻窦炎、高血压等病症。It can treat tingle , brow ague , nose sinusitis , hypertension effectly.

他儿子要结婚的好消息让他大为激动。The good news that his son was going to get married made his spine tingle.

他走到了我的对面,麻面老王早已让座立起来。He walks to my opposite, tingle noodles the old king have already let sign.

盘叮叮是不幸的,但她又是世界上最幸福的孩子。Tingle plate is unfortunate, but she is also the world's most well-being of children.

这样做的目的是让你爆炸纯摇头丸,刺痛你的身体,你的灵魂和融化。This was designed to make you explode in pure ecstasy, tingle your body, and melt your soul.

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每天从这里路过的时候,看到这么多的探头,我的头皮都发麻。Every day from the passing of time here, to see so many of the probes, I have the scalp tingle.

火热、冰爽、刺激,有的甚至能够直接挑动你最私密的性感地带。Some warm, some cool, others tingle and some even stimulate the most intimate of erogenous zones.

电台播音员的声音让她发麻,飞机的背景噪音则会让她身体不舒服。A radio announcer’s voice made her tingle. Background noise in a plane felt physically uncomfortable.