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一只是黄色的。One is yellow.

黄队加油!Go Yellow Team!

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红黄两色!Red and yellow.

黄灯等待。Wait on yellow.

黄枪。好耍。Fire yellow gun.

什么黄?梨儿黄。What is yellow ?

黄石公园。Yellow Stone Park.

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三只橡皮小黄鸭!Three yellow ducks!

他是个黄种人。He is a yellow race.

我有一块黄手帕。I've a yellow hanky.

我有一块黄手帕。I've a yellow hankie.

好多黄澄澄的梨子!So many yellow pears!

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树上还留着一些黄叶。Some yellow the tree.

那河是黄色的。That river is yellow.

这支花是黄色的。The flower is yellow.

和“黄豆黄”。And "yellow soybeans."

而我是条黄束带。I got a yellow stripe.

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它的毛白黄相间。It's white and yellow.

杰克有一只黄猫。Jake has a yellow cat.

前面那一面黄旗。The front yellow flag.