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谨防恶犬。Beware of vicious dog.

这种恶性循环要不得。This is a vicious cycle.

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“我们陷入了一个险恶的循环”。We're in a very vicious cycle.

就这样,恶性循环又开始了。And so the vicious cycle begins.

那英雄杀死了邪恶的独眼怪兽。The hero slew the vicious cyclops.

乌黑的恶性平方根的迹象?Beneath a vicious square-root sign?

传播流言蜚语是可恶的。The circulation of gossip is vicious.

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这很险恶?真的只是矫揉做作?Is it vicious? Hontou wa Just precious?

有些人觉得他们是邪恶的混蛋。Some people decide they're vicious pricks.

那条恶狗已经咬了几个人了。That vicious dog has bitten several people.

削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

一个人在坏的群体,就如与敌为友。A man in vicious company is among his enemies.

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他朝着那只狗狠狠地打了一棍子。He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.

霍布斯觉得是邪恶和嗜战。Vicious and addicted to warfare, wrote Hobbes.

这里有逊尼-什叶教派的恶性互斗。We have a vicious Sunni-Shia sectarian strife.

这种恶意诽谤令世界震惊。The world was stunned by the vicious defamation.

这样一种恶毒的谎言简直是暗箭伤人。Such a vicious lie injures people by sordid means.

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世人皆知猛虎组织是残忍的恐怖分子。The world knows the Tigers to be vicious terrorists.

作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard.

当心,骡子是一种险恶的畜牲,它后面不安全。The mule is a vicious beast , not safe abaft the beam.