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我也曾黯然神伤。I also feel dejected.

我们都只剩下了沮丧。We all left dejected.

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他总是灰溜溜的。He always looks dejected.

他总是灰溜溜的。He always looked dejected.

她今天很愁闷!She attendings dejected today.

她为什么神情如此沮丧?Why is she looking so dejected?

微风吹来失意的琵琶。The breezes brought dejected lutes.

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副小女儿态,让人失神。Vice- little daughter Tai makes people dejected.

一个见惯荣辱兴衰的人不容易沮丧。A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected.

心灰意冷的妻子孙梦雨,还会留下来吗?Dejected wife descendants dream rain, will also remain down?

不要气馁,勇气是成功之父。E. g. Don't became dejected. Courage is the father of success.

他慢慢地停下来,然后站在那里,迷茫而沮丧。The figure slowed to a stop and stood there, lost and dejected.

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白杨树没有倒垂的叶片,我也从没有垂头丧气的日子。Poplar leaves is not reversed pendulum, and I never dejected life.

总而言之,一直以来,琼斯的生活过得枯燥无味、让人垂头丧气。Since brief, Jones's life has crossed dully, lets the human be dejected.

到了早晨,约瑟进到他们那里,见他们有愁闷的样子。When Joseph came to them the next morning, he saw that they were dejected.

我将披散我的头发,我的青蓝的披风将像黑夜一样地紧裹着我。I will let apart my hair. My dejected blind will adhere round me like night.

重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth.

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感觉愤怒和沮丧岩屋回国沮丧,最重要的是寂寞。Feeling angry and dejected Iwaya returns home depressed, and most of all lonely.

那些阴沉阶级的古老伤感情绪到十八世纪已经消失了。In the eighteenth century, the ancient melancholy of the dejected classes vanishes.

二人见天色己晚,无可奈何,只得垂头丧气,回归旧路。It being now dark the two retraced their steps homewards, discouraged and dejected.