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我知道,新手错误。Yeah, I know. Rookie mistake.

更让人难以置信的是,那时他竟然是一个只有20岁的菜鸟。And he did it all as a 20-year-old rookie.

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Carlesimo换了新秀杰夫-格林来防守科比。Carlesimo switched rookie Jeff Green onto Bryant.

“不败的2006,”新秀达维德李大喊。" Undefeated in 2006, " rookie David Lee shouted.

11月15日,他的文章登上了头条,“最佳新秀?In a November 15 article headlined, "Best Rookie?"

火箭新秀的希望只有布鲁克斯和兰德里。The only hope that the Rockets rookie Brooks and Landry.

新手证明是队里最出色的击球员。The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.

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这个自作聪明的菜鸟侦探让自己身陷危机。The smart-aleck rookie detective got himself in trouble.

在我的新秀赛季,我被你们完全冻结。They are the so-called freezing-out in my rookie season.

周四对未选秀的新人可比·卡尔来说是重要的一天。Thursday marks a big day for undrafted rookie Coby Karl.

这么看来,格里芬的新秀赛季含金量更高。In that light, Griffin's rookie season seems even better.

天亮了,乌鸦飞回他们的巢穴。Light thickens, and the CrowMakes Wing to th' Rookie Wood.

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路霸可不想在比赛中输给一个新人。But Chick Hicks wasn't about to lose this race to a rookie.

格兰杰作为一名未被选秀的新人于四月二十四日被海鹰签下。Granger signed as an undrafted rookie free agent on April 24.

开密室会议及派菜鸟投手上场也没有扭转颓势。Neither have closed-door meetings or trying out rookie hurlers.

请认真考虑,避免出现新手易犯的错误。Put on your thinking cap and avoid making those rookie mistakes.

这足够让他们赢得这个区域今年的新人奖。It was enough to win them a rookie of the year award at regionals.

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他赢得了年度最佳新人奖,在1994年和一个篮板球称号,1999年。He won the Rookie of the Year in 1994 and a rebounding title in 1999.

身为新人律师,成步堂解决了众多谜题般的案件。Just a rookie lawyer, Wright as he solves a variety of puzzling cases.

尼基劳达,三届世界冠军,在赛车生涯早期自己支付比赛费用。And Niki Lauda, triple champion, paid for his race in his rookie years.