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形势喜人。The situation is gratifying.

又是另一个奇怪的令人满足的暴力时刻。Another oddly gratifying moment of violence.

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不过这的确让人非常满意了,对于我们教员来说。But this honestly really gratifying for us, for the staff.

有什么能比如此的回顾更让人心悦?What can be more gratifying than such a retrospect as this?

于是他带了心爱的瓷碗去了朋友家。Then he took his beloved gratifying profits went to my friend's house.

目前为止,他说,“我收到的反馈是非常令人满意的。”So far, he said, “the feedback I have been getting is very gratifying.”

之后,国际社会相关努力取得了可喜进展。The follow-up international efforts have witnessed gratifying progress.

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这部美剧不论是媒体还是观众的反响都非常棒。The response from the media and our viewers has been extremely gratifying.

令全家欣慰的是,爷爷手术后迅速恢复。It is gratifying to learn that Grandpa recovers rapidly after the operation.

也许我做过最令人满意的选举年工作要数1996年了。Perhaps the most gratifying election-year assignment I ever had was in 1996.

我问她能否贴在这里,因为我觉得它是如此一个悦人的故事。I asked her if I could post it, because I found it such a gratifying incident.

史蒂夫·罗曼说,更加令人满足的是他的两个孩子给与他的地位。More gratifying yet, he says, is the status his two children have granted him.

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咬上一口被阳光晒得暖暖的番茄能给人极大的满足感,其它园艺产品鲜有能与之比肩者。Few gardening payoffs are as gratifying as the first bite of a sun-warmed tomato.

本学期,你通过自己的努力,取得了可喜的成绩。This semester, you are through their own efforts, and achieved gratifying results.

这真是太让我感到满意的一件事了。And that was just a very gratifying thing. There was our dog, right?Aww, thank you.

这对沙雷特先生可是件好事——因为申请去魁北克的人数猛增。The result for Mr.Charette has been gratifying — a surge in applications to Quebec.

哲学社会科学研究取得一批可喜成果。Gratifying results were achieved in the studies of philosophy and other social sciences.

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爱会上瘾、信能悦人、合作让人感觉良好。Science now reveals that love is addictive, trust is gratifying and cooperation feels good.

陆军部在战争爆发之前,已经有了相当准备。The War Department had achieved a gratifying level of efficiency before the outbreak of war.

自上次会议以来,中俄贸易稳步、快速发展,令人欣慰。It is gratifying that the bilateral trade has grown stably and rapidly since the last meeting.