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表1。冠心病组和对照组血巨细胞病毒检测结果。Table 1. Detection of hemo in control and CHD group.

方法回顾性分析3146例冠心病住院患者的临床资料。METHODS The clinical data of 3146 cases of CHD were reviewed.

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本组病例中镜面右位心伴复杂心内畸形并非少见。In our group, complex CHD was not uncommon in mirror dextrocardia.

现就近年来基质金属蛋白酶和冠心病的研究进展作一综述。The aim of this article is to brief review the recent study on MMPs and CHD.

结论紫绀型先天性心脏病心肌侧枝血管形成可能为VEGF所介导。Conclusion The VEGF may be mediate the collateral vessels formation in C, CHD.

通过研究英汉幽默语篇可以更好地帮助我们理解衔接与连贯这一理论。Studying EHD and CHD will help us understand cohesion and coherence theory better.

母亲具有MTRR和MTR联合变异者,其子代发生CHD的风险会增高。Mothers with MTR and MTRR gene polymorphisms increase the risk of CHD in offspring.

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中老年妇女冠心病的诊断应最后由SCAG确定。The final diagnosis of CHD in the middle and aged women must be determined by SCAG.

表2.冠心病组与对照组低密度脂蛋白受体基因CGG重复等位基因频率分布。Table2. Allele frequencies of CGG triplet repeat in VLDLR gene in CHD and control groups.

在所有种族中早期冠心病家族史与冠脉钙化显著相关。Family history of premature CHD was significantly associated with CAC in all ethnic groups.

检测263例冠心病患者和152名健康者的HCY浓度及多项生化指标。Methods Serum HCY levels and chemistries were studied in 263 CHD patients and 152 controls.

包括在该研究中有1094名男性和1201名女性,均无中风和冠心病病史。Of these, we included in the analysis 1094 men and 1201 women without history of stroke and CHD.

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为此,作为发起国我们提出倡议,建立“发展中国家先心病介入治疗论坛”。As an initiator, let us propose to establish the Developing Country Forum on Intervention of CHD.

血浆纤维蛋白原在冠心病的发病中可能起重要作用。It is suggested that fibrinogen in plasma takes an important role in the the pathogenesis of CHD.

随着他们的年龄增大,更多的病人把冠心病的风险当作日常的衰老一样看待。The older they were, the more patients treated the risk of CHD as a normal part of getting older.

除开黑人婴儿,接触过乙苯的白人婴儿罹患冠心病的风险是一般婴儿的四倍。White, but not black, infants who showed exposure to ethyl benzene had four times the risk of CHD.

对12个隼形目物种CHD基因的一段内含子序列进行比较和分析。In this study, CHD gene intron sequences of 12 species of Falconiformes were compared and analyzed.

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方法用彩色多普勒超声对96例冠心病患者及50例非冠心病对照组进行颈动脉血流检查。Methods The value of CBF were detected by CDUS in 96 patients with CHD, and 50 persons without CHD.

对18个猛禽CHD基因的一段内含子序列进行比较和分析。In this study, CHD gene intron sequences of 18 species of predatory birds were compared and analyzed.

如果直系亲属中有一人以上患有冠心病,那么家庭成员发病的危险更高。The risk to family members increases further if more than one member of the immediate family has CHD.