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我想,我看到了你的刺。But had I seen, Thy thorns, I ween.

这是“水渍险”与“平方险”唯一不同之处。This is the only difference bet ween W. P. A. and F. P. A.

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它描述了在美国的小镇里陌生人是怎样被看待的。It describes how strangers are ween in small towns of America.

没有治疗这种痛苦的方法,除了设法将羊群与有毒植物隔离。There is no cure for the affliction otherthan trying to ween the sheep off it.

结果提示耐药菌株与质粒有着内在联系。It suggested inherent connection be- ween drug-resistance of the strains and plasmid.

工艺装置区与道路之间空地进行碎石场地铺装。Pave the site by macadam in the empty place bet ween the process unit areas and roads.

布鲁克斯用手指头拔弄着虫子,好像某人在审视手中的上等雪茄。Brooks examines it , rolling it bet ween his fingertips like a man checking out a fine cigar.

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这里的房间比我们住过的任何相同价位的房间都大,而且洗手间很干净。The room was larger than most rooms I have ween in this price range and the bathroom was spotless.

在野生甘蔗及其近缘植物之间,雌、雄蕊存在着一些解剖学上的差异。There are some anatomical differences of the pistil and stamen bet- ween wild sugarcane and its closely related plants.

本文构建了一个内生的货币供给体系,考察财政政策与消费需求之间的关系。In this paper, we consider an endogenetic money supply system to review the relation bet ween fiscal policy and consumption demand.

本文提出了用液力偶合器解决这个问题的方法,并从理论上进行了分析和研究。In this paper, a method about using hydrodynamic clutch to solve drive synchronism bet- ween small gears has been suggested, analysed and studied.

目的探讨海马及皮层的氧自由基损伤与大鼠学习能力和记忆能力的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship bet ween the learn and memory on the damaged hippocampus and damaged cortex of rats by oxygen free radicals.

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但是,由于存在着醇在油、水及表面活性剂富集相之间的分配问题,它也会使驱油过程复杂化。However, the problems arising from the partition of alcohol bet- ween oil, water, and surfactant-rich phases makes the displacement process more complex.

人的主体性是指人在与客体相互作用中应具有的主动性、自主性、理智性和创造性等一系列个性品质的总和。Human subjectivity is a series of human virtues inc luding initiative, independence, consciousness and creativity in the interaction bet ween man and the object.

我们并不完全反对修建新的核电站来帮助我们摆脱外国石油的依赖,但要是真的有一个在我们后院我们是不会安逸的。We're not totally opposed to building new nuclear plants to help ween us off of foreign oil, but we're not really comfortable with having one literally in our back yards.

在新疆北鲵栖息地捕获了三种小型兽类,并讨论了这三种小型兽类与新疆北鲵之间的种间关系。The authors had collected 3 species of miniature mammals from habitat of Ranodon sibiricus, and researched interspecific relationship bet- ween Ranodon sibiricus and every miniature mammals.

北造山系以天山-兴安岭华力西造山系的西段为主体,向北接有阿尔泰-额尔古纳加里东造山系,间有准噶尔、伊犁等微地块。The orogenic system to north is represented by the Hercynian Tianshan-Hinggan orogen that connects the Caledonian Altay Ergun orogen with sandwich of the Junggar and lli massifs in bet ween.