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这里有一个我称之为“实有执”的谬论。There is a fallacy which I shall call the ' essentialist fallacy'.

佛教哲学从它的一开始就表达了一种对于“实有执”的持续的批评。Buddhist philosophy from its conception embodied a sustained criticism of this essentialist fallacy.

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如果你想知道解构为何物,那可就难了,因为德里达自然舍弃了这种“实在论的”定义。If you want to know what this is, tough, because Derrida naturally rejected such "essentialist" definitions.

后现代主义的精髓正是,我们应该避免指出过去中的本质主义模式。The essence of postmodernism is precisely that we should avoid pointing out essentialist patterns in the past.

他发起了对形而上学中的本质主义纲领的复兴,这一纲领可以一直追溯到亚里士多德和经院哲学家。He has sponsored a revival of an essentialist programme in metaphysics that traces back to Aristotle and the Scholastics.

的确,本质主义的思维是一种自我限定,我们在今天的行动都是在丰富它的内涵,扩充它的本质。Indeed, being an essentialist is a type of self-restriction, since our efforts today are to enrich its significance, expand its essence.

卡特说,不管国际社会如何反应,朝鲜的“本质主义”的阶层观念地位不会受到动摇。Foster-Carter said that whatever the international community did in response, North Korea's " essentialist " position was unlikely to change.

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达斯特认为种族是个社会现实,他并提出警告,科学本身就是一种社会制度,容易受到种族基本认知的影响。Race is a social reality, Duster observes, and he warns that science itself is a social institution susceptible to essentialist perceptions of race.

为了更充分地理解科学的边界,我们必须从本质主义走向建构论,把边界当作是社会建构的结果。Therefore, we should turn from the essentialist approach to the constructivist approach, and take the boundaries of science as the social constructions.

随着当代反本质主义思潮的兴起与“宏大叙事”的瓦解,叙事透明性和启蒙合法性受到普遍质疑。With the rise of the current anti- essentialist trend of thoughts and the breakup of "grand narrations", narrative transparency and legality of enlightenment are under universal skepticism.

还原论的认识论基础是表征主义和理论优位的科学观,其形而上学暗示是本质主义的外在存在论和构成性的实体实在论。Epistemological foundations of reductionism are representationism and theory-dominant viewpoint of science, which suggest essentialist outsideontology and constitutive entity realism metaphysically.