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这班轮船每逢星期日和星期三开航。The steamboat sails on Sundays and Wednesdays.

一艘来自圣?路易斯的廉价而俗气的轮船停靠在码头。A cheap, gaudy steamboat arrived at the wharf from St. Louis.

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塞缪尔·朗荷恩·克列门斯拿到了轮船舵手执照。Samuel Langhorne Clemens earned his steamboat pilot 's license.

后来他回来时竟然成了一条蒸汽船上的见习轮机员或称助理轮机员。At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or 'striker' on a steamboat.

开始的时候它看上去像一座房子,但后来我们意识到是一只汽船。It looked like a house at first, but then we realized it was a steamboat.

作为,如果她愿意让我用她的车拖我的船到该地区福安会见。As if she'd let me use her car to tow my boat to the area steamboat meets.

起初,罗柏特·富尔顿的汽船计划被嘲弄为荒诞无聊的事。At first Robert Fulton's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

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起初,罗伯特·富尔顿的汽船计划被嘲弄为荒诞无聊的事。At first, Robert Fulton's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

这些是莫斯科地铁站,乌法城以及汽艇的旧照片。Old photographs of the Moscow subway stations, the city of Ufa and a steamboat cruise.

第一艘蒸汽船于1812年抵达叫新奥尔良的城市。The first steamboat to reach the city, in 1812, was appropriately called the New Orleans.

后来,美芝路的火锅店如雨后春笋般越来越多。At the later stage, more and more steamboat restaurants have sprung along Beach Road, Bugis.

格兰特主力经过三个星期才到达汽船登陆点。It took three weeks for Grant's men to reach the steamboat landing. The roads were very rough.

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渔民在小船上歌唱着他的拥有,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

船家歌唱着他船里所有的一切,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱着。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

“蒸汽船小比尔号”就是这种方式的经典之作,因为它难以置信的特效而在电影迷中声名卓著。Steamboat Bill, Jr. was a classic of this form, famous among film buffs for its incredible stunts.

它站了起来在河的中部外面,大和黑暗和坚实,象没有任何光的一艘汽船。It stood up out of the middle of the river, big and dark and solid, like a steamboat without any lights.

850年以前,美国制造的每三艘蒸汽船,就有一艘爆炸或毁坏,彻底地报销One-third of every steamboat built in the United States before 1850 exploded and destroyed became a wreck.

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1859年的今天,一位名叫萨缪尔.朗贺恩.克莱门斯的23岁年轻人取得了他的汽船驾驶员执照。On this day in 1859, a 23-year-old youth named Samuel Langhorne Clemens received his steamboat pilots license.

1787年发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.

适用于家用算来水增压、汽车冲洗、轮船上海水淡化。It is applied to the pressurization of domestic tap water, car flushing and desalting of the seawater on the steamboat.