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还是柔软若鸭绒?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

还是柔软似棉凫的绒毛?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

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在粉色的鸭绒被上。On a pink quilted eiderdown.

鸭绒被也像一张手掌。The eiderdown was like a hand, too.

用丝绸与凫绒做被子简直是绝配。Silk and eiderdown make a perfect match in a comforter.

凫绒的特殊性能使其看起来是有附着力而柔软的绒团。The extraordinary properties of eiderdown make it appear as a cohesive, soft mass.

本发明是有关一种三层夹心式复合羽绒絮片及制造方法。The invention relates to a three-layer sandwiched composite eiderdown flake and a manufacturing method thereof.

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如果我让你来管理,你会每天给他们吃三次鸡,还给他们睡鸭绒被吗?。If I let you alone, you'd be giving them chicken three times a day and tucking them to sleep with eiderdown quilts.

目前,全球市场上大部分凫绒来自冰岛。在该国,采集凫绒有着上千年的传统。Currently, the majority of eiderdown on the world market comes from Iceland where harvesting it is a thousand year old tradition.

凭借一流的生产工艺和严格的质量检测,生产各种规格的羽绒。Relies on the first-class production craft and the strict quality examination, produces each kinds of specification the eiderdown.

但是今天她径直从面包店门前走过,爬上楼梯走进那个昏暗的小屋——她的像小柜橱一般的小屋——坐在红鸭绒垫上。But today she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room —her room like a cupboard—and sat down on the red eiderdown.

而当他在柔软的凫绒,还有透过红色花缎帘子的粉红色的晨光之中醒过来之后,他合上了眼,因那未得到满足的渴望而喘息着。And when he wakes into soft eiderdown and the pink glow of dawn through red damask drapes, he presses his eyes shut, panting with unfulfilled desire.

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每年春天,仅适当采集2.5吨凫绒,并经专门的、保密技术清洗,最终成为质量无与伦比的冰岛凫绒。Only 2.5 t are properly gathered every spring and cleaned by specialized, secret technology which leaves Icelandic eiderdown without contest in quality.

那是个明媚的冬日,他想体贴地待病,在我昏昏沉沉中喂我吃药,然后替我盖上他的羽绒被。But my silk-padded quilt had just been taken out to be aired. In my slumber, my husband helped me take medicine, and covered me with his eiderdown quilt.

不过每天在家也是裹得像粽子一样,不过给姨姨抱抱的时候,就会很温暖,因为她总是穿著羽绒衣。She is wearing like a roll in the house everyday. But right now if she hugs me, it will be super warm, because she always wear the eiderdown -coat at home now.

现有库存的床垫,羽绒被,羽绒衣,各种面料等要处理,希望有需要的人与我公司的人联系。Existing inventory mattresses, duvets, eiderdown clothing, all kinds of fabrics such as to deal with, I hope those who need it with my company's contact person.

思嘉再也不能像个孩子似的安然待在父亲的屋顶下,再也不能让母亲的爱像一条羽绒被子般裹着她,保护她不受任何威胁了。Never again could Scarlett lie down, as a child, secure beneath her father's roof with the protection of her mother's love wrapped about her like an eiderdown quilt.

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重庆冰洋羽绒制品有限责任公司创建于1998年,座落于重庆两路工业园服装城,是西南地区专业生产水洗羽绒、毛及制品的企业。Established in 1998 , Chongqing Ice Ocean Eiderdown Products Co, Ltd. is specialized in producing washed eiderdown , feather and other related down products in Southwest China area.

该设备可对羽绒,寝具及有关柔软物进行自动压缩封口,具有减小体积,便于运输等优点。This device can compress the sealing of the eiderdown , bedclothing and something soft related automatically, and has the excellency of reducing the volume and transporting conveniently.

突然有一群燕子扑打著翅膀,从他们头顶上掠过,还不时地有受惊的兔子穿过大路,白色的尾巴摇动著,像是一个鸭绒的粉片。Above their heads a flock of chimney swallows whirled suddenly on swift wings and now and then a rabbit scurried startled across the road his white tail bobbing like an eiderdown powder puff.