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其编曲方式与马勒相似。Its orchestration is similar to that of Mahler's.

那么,在ESB中是如何处理编配需求的呢?So how are orchestration needs addressed in an ESB?

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师从孟卫东老师学习配器。Studied orchestration from a teacher , Mengweidong.

决策点业务流程的复杂性。The complexity of the decision point orchestration.

这是按照业务流程的需求而做的。This is done as per the requirements of the orchestration.

多个规则集,使用一些外部业务流程机制。Multiple rulesets, using some external orchestration mechanism.

其丰富的管弦乐编曲横亘于贝多芬和马勒之间。Its richness of orchestration lies between Beethoven and Mahler.

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第二乐章的编曲又似一支牧歌。The orchestration in the second movement gives its pastoralsound.

单一规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。A single ruleset, using an internal orchestration though a ruleflow.

它可提供服务聚合和协调等功能。It provides functions such as service aggregation and orchestration.

多个规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。Multiple rulesets, using an internal orchestration through a ruleflow.

为浪漫曲“春天,春天”配器,为男低音和管弦乐队而作。Orchestration of the Romance "Spring, Spring", for bass and orchestra.

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尤其常见于BPM工具中以服务编排的方式对流程进行建模。Typically seen in BPM tools that model process as an orchestration of services.

不同决策点的业务流程是业务知识的一部分。The orchestration of the different decision points is part of the business knowledge.

如果您使用调度器,那么编排会在一段时间后被自动触发。If you use the Scheduler, then the orchestration is triggered automatically after some time.

第四乐章的成功编曲是交响曲在绝对胜利中结束。The triumphant orchestration inthe forth movement concludes the symphony in absolute victory.

WS-BPEL是一种用来定义可以在一个编制引擎中执行的过程语言。WS-BPEL is a language for defining processes that can be executed on an orchestration engine.

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印度在这个新产品开发的多国交响乐中演奏重头乐器。And India plays a large role in this multi-country orchestration of development of new products.

从XML文档中提取内容片段是你在服务编制中最需要的功能。Extracting pieces of content from an XML document is most of what you need in service orchestration.

我再次提到了这些规则,因为它们同样适用于客户端编排事务策略。I mention these rules again because they also apply to the Client Orchestration transaction strategy.