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一头赞比西河河马对搭便车的小鸟熟视无睹。All ears and eyes, a Zambezi River hippo ignores a hitchhiker.

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从维多利亚瀑布前方的赞比西河桥梁往下跳。Try bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge over the Zambezi.

赞比西河桥,我们这些人本想来此造桥。The Zambezi bridge, A whole boat load of us Canucks came to work on it.

一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权。A female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia.

一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权。A female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia.

维多利亚瀑布跨越了津巴布韦和赞比亚之间的赞比西河。Victoria Falls stretch across the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

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这是在瀑布下赞比西河上的双层渡船所进行的一种雅致巡游。It's a gentle ride in a double decker ferryboat on the Zambezi above the Falls.

一只雌性非洲狮子,唤醒从一次午睡,吼叫从一棵树上靠近赞比亚河。A female African lion, rousted from a nap, snarls from a tree near the Zambezi River.

巨幅的瀑布在100米的高处从天而降,流入到强捍的赞比西河。The huge curtain of falling water drops more than 100 meters into the mighty Zambezi River.

维多利亚瀑布是在尚比西河,介于尚比亚和辛巴威之间。The Victoria Falls are on the Zambezi river. The falls are shared between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

赞比亚与津巴布韦开始在两国之间的赞比亚河上修建加里巴拱坝。Construction of the Kariba High Dam , on the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe , began.

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刚果河、尼日尔河、尼罗河、莱茵河和赞比西河,这些河每一条都为9至11个国家共享,而多瑙河则流经19个国家。The Congo, Niger, Nile, Rhine and Zambezi are each shared among 9-11 countries, the Danube among 19.

他还能够数清自1980年起从赞比西河流入林波波河的血液有多少吗?Can he be able to account for the mega-liters of blood that has flowed from Zambezi to Limpopo since 1980?

到尚比西河来个激流泛舟,这条河拥有全世界最顶级的激流冒险之旅。Go white-water rafting on the Zambezi River, the river that provides the world's greatest whitewater adventure.

在南部非洲深处汹涌的赞比西河上,有一令人叹为观止的雄伟瀑布。远在20英里之外,你就能看见它的水雾。Zambezi River, there's a falling wall of water so awesome and powerful that you can see its mist from 20 miles away.

我们一起在赞比西河散步时,只要我走在他们俩之间,她就会将我推开。If I stepped between the two of them while we were all walking along the Zambezi River, she'd push me out of the way.

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不久前,这座与赞比西河有364英尺落差的大桥还曾是世界上最高的蹦极点。Until recently, this was the highest legal bungee-jump spot in the world with a 364 feet drop towards the Zambezi River.

随着赞比西河季节性枯水期的临近,为大象提供了曾经淹没的小道,以及新鲜的草料。With the Zambezi River near its seasonal ebb, once submerged walkways—and fresh foraging possibilities—present themselves.

位于赞比西河和赞比西河国家公园附近,斯坦利和利文斯通游戏储备是由维多利亚驱车瀑布。Located near the Zambezi River and Zambezi National Park, Stanley & Livingstone Game Reserve is a short drive from Victoria Falls.