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一个镶牙,是吧?One veneer , is that right?

木皮饰面柜。Cabinet with wood veneer finish.

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啊,我还以为那只是镶上橡木薄板。Oh, I thought it was just oak veneer.

他用凿子把胶合板拆开。He broke away the veneer with a chisel.

她那彬彬有礼的伪装开始露馅儿了。Her veneer of politeness began to crack.

这木板上面镶饰了一层金和象牙。The panel had a veneer of gold and ivory.

金钱令他撕去了彬彬有礼的外表。Money stripped off the veneer of good manners.

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他们去年就向我描绘一些飘渺的工作前景了。They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.

细木艺木器、唐木傢俱、平切单板、装饰用材。Joinery, cabinets, sliced veneer and many decorative uses.

她温文尔雅的外表第一次露出破绽。For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.

动力压辊是单板旋切机上一个辅助装置。Powered back-up roll is an auxiliary device on veneer lathe.

木种须与表面木皮或板材匹配或类似。Species shall match or be compatible with face veneer or laminate.

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墙上现在覆盖了新的椴木饰面隔音板。The walls are now clad with new baffle walls with a limewood veneer.

刀缝自动调节,板皮平整,光滑度好。Automatically adjustable cutting space, flat veneer and good smoothness.

剥去他那彬彬有礼的薄层外表,他其实是个很庸俗的人。Beneath his tissue-thin veneer of good manners,he was a very vulgar man.

在坚硬的胶合板下面躺着一个庞大的社会乐观性。Yet underneath the tough veneer lies a strong current of social optimism.

目的探讨前牙根折至龈下铸造冠桩修复的体会。ObjectiveTo probe casting veneer peg prosthesis for anterior remnant root.

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由牡蛎礁构成的小岛上覆盖着一层薄薄的黑色软泥。The islands consist of oyster reefs covered with a thin veneer of black mud.

这些盒子的基本款由中密度纤维板配岑木木皮制作而成。They represent the basic version made of MDF with a natural ash-wood veneer.

HWPW的面板可以是硬木或者是装饰软木材质的。The face veneer may be composed of a hardwood or decorative softwood species.