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早年所拍摄的汕头市韩江河口一景。An early view of the mouth of the Han Riv- er as seen from Swatow.

我想指出我们接受的所有订货是从汕头或黄埔港发货。We wish to point out that all orders accepted by us are shipped from Swatow or Whampoa.

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属礐石风景系列明信片之一,约一九一○年代,汕头美璋照相印制。One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

礐石码头彩色明信片。约一九○○年代,汕头美璋照相印制。Colour view of Kakchio and its harbour. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

你想通过香港把货从汕头运到大阪,在香港转船。You want to have your goods shipped from Swatow to Osaka via HongKong, where they can be transshipped.

我们是在广州这里同你们做成的买卖,而你们订的货是在汕头生产的。We concluded the business with you here in Canton, and the goods you ordered are manufactured in Swatow.

汕头早期外国人墓地的正门。一九○○年代明信片,汕头美璋照相印制。Main gate of a foreign cemetery in prewar Swatow. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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2003年炎炎夏日里的某一天,汕头机场候机大厅步出一位行色匆匆的男子。One fine day in the burning summer of 2003, a man was walking in a hurry in the reception hall of Swatow Airport.

礐石全景图。礐石风景系列明信片之三,约一九一○年代,汕头美璋照相印制。View of Kakchio. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. Circa 1910s.

早期的礐石码头。礐石风景系列明信片之二,约一九一○年代,汕头美璋照相印制。Kakchio and harbour, circa 1910s. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

恐怕我们不能同意。我们是在广州这里同你们做成的买卖,而你们订的货是在汕头生产的。我想指出我们接受的所有订货是从汕头或黄埔港发货。香港不可能。I see. You want to have your goods shipped from Swatow to Osaka via HongKong, where they can be transshipped. Is that what you want us to do.

恐怕我们不能同意。我们是在广州这里同你们做成的买卖,而你们订的货是在汕头生产的。我想指出我们接受的所有订货是从汕头或黄埔港发货。香港不可能。I see. You want to have your goods shipped from Swatow to Osaka via HongKong, where they can be transshipped . Is that what you want us to do.

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发源于福建省的韩江,全长四百一十公里左右,其中有一支流在汕头市区注入南海,为潮汕三市的重要水道。The Han River is a large waterway some 410 km long, having its source in the neighbouring province of Fujian and emptying itself into the sea in front of Swatow.

可是我到潮州火车站去买一张到汕头的二等票时,他们却给了我两张三等票,我只好不说潮州话而用广州话跟他解释了。But when at the railway station in Chaochow I asked for one second-class ticket for Swatow and they gave me two third-class tickets, I gave up and explained things in Cantonese.