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他冷淡地答应再尝试。He listlessly agreed to try again.

她恹恹地在陈旧杂乱的旅馆来回走动。Listlessly she went about the disorderly hotel.

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吉姆睡醒之后伸展四肢,让自己清醒过来。Jim listlessly streeked his limbs after wake-up.

笼子里的老虎在没精打彩地啃一根骨头。The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone.

他们移动,但失魂落魄并豪无目的。They're moving, but listlessly and not purposefully.

这个贫穷的母亲怅惘地回忆她已经逝去的青春。The poor mother recalled her passed youth listlessly.

但更多的人只是无精打采地张着嘴或默默地发呆。But more mouthed along listlessly or stared in silence.

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早餐时,他无精打采,只吃了一点鸡蛋和咸肉。He pecked listlessly at his breakfast of egg and bacon.

塔乔无精打采地说,也许他接受了教训。TaJoe said listlessly that maybe he had learned his lesson.

在那些失败的场次中,我们打得无精打采。In our losses, it seems like we play listlessly and spiritless.

她一直在看着电视,无精打采地回答着我的问题。She had been watching TV and listlessly answering my questions.

此刻我感觉到一种懒散的舒适和轻松的惬意。I am feeling listlessly comfortable and delightfully irresponsible.

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在农场的牛栏里,十几头奶牛无精打采的站着。Inside the farmer's barn, a couple dozen cows stand listlessly in stalls.

博尔德伍德心不在焉地看着冰凌怎样使雪地的表面变硬。Boldwood was listlessly noting how the frost had hardened the surface of the snow.

他坐在那儿什么也不说,就只是闷着头的看电视。He sat there with no word at all , just watching TV, lost in his thoughts listlessly.

土地龟裂,泉水干枯,牛儿无精打采地啃着干树枝。The land cracked and the springs dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled dry twings.

我无精打采地在秋千上来回荡着,觉得很孤单。我希望能有人陪我玩。Listlessly , I rock to and fro on the swing. I'm feeling lonely. I wish I had someone to play with.

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她一直在看着电视,无精打采地回答着我的问题。She had been watching TV and listlessly answering my questions. Now she turned abruptly and snorted.

她没精打采地把篮子和包裹放进马车里,上了车,一起并排坐下来。She listlessly placed her basket and bundle within the dog-cart, and stepped up, and they sat side by side.

妈妈严厉地对我说,“噢”我说完,无精打采地走进了书房,拿出了大试卷,埋头苦做起来。Mom said to me sternly, "Oh" I said, listlessly into the study, took out a large paper, buried their heads done.