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现在,我终于有时间喘一口粗气了。I now have time to take a breather.

要是能有个喘息时间就好了。It would be nice to get a breather.

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深深的呼吸,感受这爱的平静与觉知。Breather deeply and feel the Love and Peace.

你必须轮流在关系之间的一个呼吸者。You have to take a breather between relationships.

教练叫棒球员休息一会。The coach told the baseball players to take a breather.

可见呼吸阀、阻火器是储罐不要缺少的安全设施。Breather valve flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

轮流在每关系之间的一个呼吸者更新你的精神。Take a breather between each relationship to renew your spirit.

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呼吸子是局域在空间的一种特殊的孤立子。The breather is a special localized-in-space"oscillating"soliton.

可见呼吸阀、阻火器是储罐不要缺少的安全设施。Breather valve and flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

可见呼吸阀,阻火器是储罐不可缺少的安全设施。Breather valve and flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

但当火气开始冒头时,退下来歇口气。But when the tempers start to flare, step back and take a breather.

4月7日起,在土星的要求下,你已经有了15个星期的休息。Since April 7, you've had a 15-week breather from Saturn's demands.

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周四,日圆抛售潮让亚洲其他货币松了口气。On Thursday, the yen selloff gave other Asian currencies a breather.

本阀可与呼吸阀配套使用,亦可单独使用。The valve can be used with breather valve, and may also be used alone.

这是一段吸气过晚的镜头,你看他游得多累啊。This shows you up a late breather and how much harder it is to do that.

使用了干燥剂喘息的空气不断进入油箱的清洁及干燥。Use of a desiccant breather keeps air entering a reservoir clean and dry.

这只股票一直在涨,自从开盘一直没有停息。The stock has been rising ever since, with hardly a breather for an entry point.

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利用粗麻材质,染色编结创作的丛菊图,栩栩然引得碧眼蜻蜓前来歇息。Done with dyed rough hemp, these flowers attract a dragonfly to stop for a breather.

有时社区可能需要缓一缓劲,但您却认为它衰退了。And sometimes, it seems your community has faded when it is simply taking a breather.

把油箱,断开呼吸软管,都从盒与曲柄。Lifted the tank, disconnected the breather hose that goes from the airbox to the crank.