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十条边的形状叫十边形。A polygon with ten sides is a decagon.

这就叫做多边形环绕。This is called the winding of a polygon.

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下面是一个描述五角星形的多边形And this is a polygon describing a pentagram

五边形有五条边和五个角的多边形。A polygon having five sides and five interior angles.

请问这个七边的多角形有多少条对角线?How many diagonals does this seven-sided polygon have?

提出一种基于物理和多边形建模相结合的方法。A physics-based and polygon models method is presented.

多角形的边界可以延伸到无穷远处。E. g. Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity.

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这个例子画了一个每个边长度都为70像素的七边形。This example draws a 7-sided polygon with side length 70.

中键单击顶点当前多边形将其删除。Middle-click a vertex of the current polygon to remove it.

但它的速度太慢,使用它创建快速多边形填充物。But it was too slow to create fast polygon fillers with it.

接下来,该团队构建了一个多边形线段表。Next, the team built a table of the segments of the polygon.

但是,在其他游戏里我想要隐藏多边形结构。However, in other games I want to hide the polygon structure.

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所述的与中心轴连接的法兰盘为多边形。The said flange connected with the central axis is a polygon.

如何将一个多边形的一组非重叠的三角形?How to convert a polygon to a set on non-overlapping triangles?

采用了基于多边形凸包的方法提取弦线。Based on polygon convex hull method, the chord line is extracted.

还有,我们可以把一个多边形放在所有它所在的立方体里面。On the other hand we could put the polygon in all cubes it is in.

多边形的布尔运算是计算机图形学的一个关键算法。Polygon Boolean operation is a key algorithm way in computer graphics.

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图形为一个长方形内含一个六边形。Polygon SUVNPQ is equilateral and equiangular and TWOR is a rectangle.

贝赛尔曲线的拆分是指将贝赛尔曲线分解成逼近的多边形。Bezier curve is split down into the Bezier curve approximation polygon.

肝小叶不明显,肝细胞呈卵圆形或多角形。The hepatic lobule is not clear. Hepatic cells are egg-like or polygon.