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这是一具尸体。It's a corpse.

这就是我的尸体。Here's my corpse.

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尸体是什么?What is a corpse?

而这个死尸就是我。And that corpse I was.

因为说到底,我已经是一具尸体。After all,I'm a corpse.

作为尸体存在。I'll exist as a corpse.

来人!把先生给抬出去!Men, take the corpse out.

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吸烟者被缝合上的尸体。A sewn-up corpse of a smoker.

可是这具尸体被认错了。But the corpse was misidentified.

坏消息是,你将作为尸体生存。The bad news is,you'll be a corpse.

仿佛是一具具僵卧在坟墓里的尸体。Each like a corpse within its grave.

谋杀犯肢解了尸体。The murderer dismembered the corpse.

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一具尸体在沟中被发现。A corpse was discovered in the ditch.

首先,我被肢解的尸体。First of all I dismembered the corpse.

如遇上线,纯属尸变!In case of line, is the corpse change!

拿破仑的躯体在法国腐烂了。Napoleon's corpse is rotted in France.

鲜血还在继续从他的尸体中汩汩流出。Blood was still flowing from his corpse.

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哪儿有一具鹿的腐尸。There is a decomposing corpse of a deer.

他们在教堂墓地里把死者埋葬了。They buried the corpse in the churchyard.

他们从墓中掘出一具尸体。They disinterred a corpse from the grave.