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地势突然隆起。The ground rises abruptly.

这条路突然到头了。The path ends off abruptly.

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这些在1985年戛然而止。That ended abruptly in 1985.

他们大笑了一阵,接着突然不做声了。They laughed,then fell silent abruptly.

后面的沉淀物突然变黑。Then abruptly the sediment turned black.

他又一次把我转过来,礼貌而唐突。He turned me around again, politely and abruptly.

下了一阵霜,天气就骤然变冷了。Cold weather set in abruptly with a killing frost.

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但是他看到他们的脸就呆住了。But he stopped abruptly at the sight of their faces.

他不应该在结冰路上把汽车猛然刹住。He should not brake the car abruptly on an icy road.

中国突然采取行动让人民币在可控范围内浮动。China abruptly moved to a managed float for the yuan.

他陡然转过身去,沿着原路走回去。He turned abruptly and walked back the way we'd come.

哈雷猛得在房顶边扯住安迪。Hadley abruptly jerks Andy to a stop right at the edge.

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伊莎贝尔起得太急了,以致碰倒了她坐的椅子。Isabel rose so abruptly that she knocked down her chair.

一道蓝光像激光一样射出了她的胸膛。A blue light abruptly went out of her chest, like a blast.

他威胁要杀了金伯利,杰克却猛地挂断了电话。He threatens to kill Kimberly, and Jack hangs up abruptly.

她立即转身离去,又回过头来盯了他一会儿。She turned abruptly away, then stared back at him a moment.

巴瑟姆先生突然他破了这种寂静,那幅样子让人大吃一惊。Mr. Bassum abruptly broke this silence in an amazing manner.

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艾伦一屁股坐在了法官席旁边的证人席上。Alan sits down abruptly in the witness chair next tothe judge

听了我的话,他突然停下脚步,转向我并抓住我的手臂。He abruptly stopped, turned toward me and grasped my forearm.

它们突然消失在附近的一个墙洞中。They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.