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那吉普赛男人走到妻子身边。The gipsy went to his wife.

然而,吉卜赛人却不这么想。However, gipsy but don't think so.

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我十岁时见过一个真正的活着的吉卜赛人。I saw a real, live Gipsy when I was ten.

请月亮实现她嫁给一个吉普赛男人的愿望。To fulfill her wish to marry a gipsy man.

不久,他就驾着那艘16米长的新船——吉卜赛·莫思号出海了。Soon, he was away in his new 16-meter boat, Gipsy Moth.

不久,他就驾着那艘16米长的新船吉普赛·莫思号启程出海了。Soon, he was away in his new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth.

不久,他就驾着那艘16米长的新船吉普赛·莫思号启程出海了。Soon, he was away in this new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth.

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马路对面有几个吉普赛女人在街上行走。Opposite a group of gipsy women were walking down the street.

在外貌上他象一个黑皮肤的吉普赛人,在衣着与风度上他又象个绅士。He is a dark-skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman.

当他们只看到一个脏兮兮、黑头发的吉卜赛孩子时,大失所望。They were very disappointed to see only a dirty, black-haired gipsy child.

吉卜赛人取出三只锡杯,斟满了白兰地。The gipsy produced three tin cups, and filled them to the brim with brandy.

如果说这是最好的东西的话,那么那个吉卜赛女人对我所作的预言是兑现了!Well, if that is the best, the gipsy woman was correct in what she prophesied to me.

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黑眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命。Black-eyed gipsy girls, hooded in showy handkerchiefs, sallied forth to tell fortunes.

接着,三位年轻女士一起走了进去,回来时对吉普赛人的技巧赞不绝口。Next three young ladies went in together, and came back full of praise for the gipsy 's skill.

吉卜赛人大发牢骚,抱怨说,这样的买卖要是再做几宗,他就要倾家荡产啦。The gipsy grumbled frightfully, and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.

我曾经为他把那些插图拿到Gipsy小屋,让他坐在餐厅的沙发里审视。I would take my drawings down to Gipsy House for him to look at while sitting on the sofa in the dining room.

走到光明一街,您很难不注意到这家用黄色霓虹灯写著「吉普赛」的啤酒屋。Walking to Guangming 1st Rd. , you can hardly ignore our beer house with a big, red sign of "Gipsy Restaurant"!

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玛提的身边围着一圈嘻嘻哈哈的年轻人,她头上戴着一顶阔边的帽子,漂亮得像一颗乌莓,正在一堆野火上煮咖啡。Mattie, encircled by facetious youths, and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat, was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire.

采用GIPSY软件解算的站点坐标时间序列,对我国25个GPS基准站的观测数据进行了分析。In this paper, observation data in 25 GPS reference stations of China have been analyzed by calculating GPS position coordinate time-series with GIPSY.

她为我的财才爱我,而当我装扮成吉普赛女人告诉她我只有一点钱时,她和她母亲都对我失去了兴趣。She only liked me for my wealth, and when I, disguised as the gipsy woman, told her that I had only a little money, she and her mother lost interest in me.