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这家伙耍手段了。This guy's playing hardball.

也许我们该来点硬的。Maybe we should have some hardball.

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也许该来硬的。Maybe we should play some hardball.

我并非建议美国轻易地就转向强硬政策的方向。I don’t propose this turn to policy hardball lightly.

公司决定跟工会硬碰硬。The company is prepared to play hardball with the union.

但支持督察局的人说,督察局必须不择手段。But OFHEO supporters say the agency had to play hardball.

如果他们对我们来硬的,我们也可以这样。If he want to play hardball with us, we can play that way, too.

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像他这样的美女杀手都追你,就不要太清高了。When such a lady-killer is after you, don't play too much hardball.

然而,美国用强硬政策使人屈服的日子已经一去不复返了。But gone are the days when US policy hardball could force others to yield.

它的“让我们作交易,”默多克式表示的毫不妥协强硬。It's "let's make a deal, " Murdock-style that's uncompromisingly hardball.

许多银行通过对客户采取强硬措施来增加资本。Banks are building up their capital by playing hardball with their customers.

我们的主要竞争对手所用的战术表示他们要动真格了。Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball.

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我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball.

下届爱尔兰政府也许会仿照冰岛,对欧洲采取强硬立场。The next Irish government may look at Iceland and decide to play hardball with Europe.

我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they poverty to endeavor hardball.

对我来说,似乎并没有哪位美国决策者会认真严肃地对中国采取强硬路线。It seems to me that no American policymaker has taken a hardball option with them very seriously.

仅仅是二个星期的时间,就职典礼当天的喜悦已经完全被传统形势的党派分歧重棒所取代。In just two weeks, the elation of inauguration day has given way to a classic form of partisan hardball.

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私营企业老习惯了和工会硬碰硬,因为他们知道如果一味屈从,企业就会倒闭。Private-sector bosses are accustomed to playing hardball with unions because they know they can go bankrupt if they don’t.

考虑到穆里尼奥还有罗本这个备选,波尔图和罗马的强硬姿态未见得是明智之举。Porto and Roma's hardball stance over their players has not gone down to well with the coach and Robben is the alternative.

“你们应该来,”太平洋战略与评价公司的合作伙伴斯科特。哈里森说,“他们才会动真格的。"You've got to come, " said Scott Harrison, a partner with the consulting group, Pacific Strategies and Assessments. "They have to play hardball.