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自负就像一匹马。Ego is like a horse.

自我太小成不了大气候。A little ego goes nowhere!

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不要成为你自负的奴隶。Don't be a slave to your ego.

你也完全放弃了自己的自负。You completely give up your ego.

他们需要傲气来表现自己。And they need that ego to perform.

你做的每件事都涉及你的自我。Everything you do involves your ego.

这二者都是小我的显示。These are both manifestations of ego.

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心质要大,自我要小。Dultivate a big heart―but a small ego.

方是自我的真境界。The square is the true state of the ego.

自我意识运作的原则是根据现实。The ego operates on the reality principle.

说话好听点。不管怎样,我为他的男性自尊做了急救。Be nice ! Anyway. I had to give his ego CPR.

容格关于自我的概念是随着时间而发展。Jung's concept of the ego evolved over time.

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“狂妄自大”就是过于自信或过于自负。“Hubris” is too much self-confidence or ego.

如果你有任何情绪,都是小我在驱动。If you have any emotion, it is ego motivated.

他总是自我感觉良好,十分自负。He thinks he is amazing and he has a huge ego.

男人的自我保护意识也是可以理解的。Protecting the man’s ego is understandable too.

那种痛苦使你谦下而卑微,削弱了你的自尊。That pain humbles you and strips down your ego.

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自我控制是最强者的本能!The ego control is the most strong of instinct!

好吧,现在你已经夸大了他的自信,使他自我膨胀。All right, now you've gone and inflated his ego.

但是最终,你为了保护自我,停留了下来。But most of all, you settle to protect your ego.