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我会给你揭开谜底I'll debunk it for you."

结果形成了一份“十大”名单来揭穿这一秘密。The result is a top 10 list to debunk the myths.

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但愿我能够把它解释的明了并且揭穿那些所谓神话的真相。Hopefully I can clear up the confusion and debunk some myths.

回到地窖,杨琴当面拆穿了假的张志强。Back to the cellar, Mr Zhang Yang Qin debunk the false face to face.

生活在危地马拉和墨西哥的现代玛雅人也争相揭穿这一“预言”。Modern Maya in Guatemala and Mexico have also rushed to debunk the "prophesy".

50多年来,科学家和爱狗人士一直试图解开狗的年龄之谜。For more than 50 years, scientists and dog lovers have been trying to debunk the dog-years myth.

很多的男性认为女性是神密的,但是藉由探索女人的需求,我们将可以揭穿这些谬论。Many men think women are a mystery, but by exploring what women want, we will debunk some myths.

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在这之前,研究人员将继续就这两者之间的联系不断提出假设和推翻假设。Until then, researchers continue to bunk and debunk claims that there are links between the two.

伊丽莎白.斯马特的被绑架和性侵犯案事实上帮助人们揭穿了”陌生人都危险“的这个社会误解。Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapping and sexual assault actually help to debunk the "stranger danger" myth.

伟志约会小奇,林芳故意在艾语面前揭穿伟志的谎言。Small, wei chi dating, Lin fang deliberately debunk wei dynasty lies in the presence of ai language.

当他们的故事一次又一次的遭到质疑的时候,没人会公开的揭穿真相。While their story has been challenged over and over again, nobody has been able to officially debunk it.

科勒称XENON研究人员依赖假冒的科学和有缺陷的分析去揭穿DAMA的声明。Collar says the XENON researchers are relying on shoddy science and flawed analysis to debunk DAMA's claim.

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应揭穿新自由主义推行三大自由化的虚伪性和非现实性。Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the 3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity.

为了达到这一目的,此系列的第二及第三部分将陆续呈现,为您揭露有关此次危机的都市流言前十位。Toward that end, parts ii and iii of this series shall present and debunk the top ten urban myths about the crisis.

只要还存在着人们以科学的名义行骗,就有必要让科学警察来揭穿他们。As long as there are people who cheat in the name of science, it is necessary to have science police to debunk them.

菲尔的毕生的任务是反驳那些在世界上尤其是在英特网上散布的错误的天文学观点。Phil’s mission in life is to debunk all the bad astronomy that is floated around the world and, in particular, the internet.

如果他们工作干得好,他们就该解释药物的科学机理并且订正甚至暴露出的错误信息。If they are doing their jobs well, they explain the science of the medication, and correct even debunk erroneous information.

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在今后两周每天,我将来破解一个当我开始快乐计划之前相信的快乐错误观点。Each day for the next two weeks, I'm going to debunk one "happiness myth" that I believed before I started my happiness project.

正与人合著一本揭示平台概念的书的加威尔女士表示,即使他们足够大,转型为平台也并不一定是一个很好的选择。And even if they are, it is not always a good idea to turn them into one, says Ms Gawer, who is co-authoring a book to debunk myths about the concept.

而事实上,有些专业的魔术师,主要揭露那些声称,能和死人沟通的人的秘密So in fact, there are professional magicians who make it their business to debunk people who claim to genuinely be in contact with the dead and the like.