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私下告诫朋友,公开赞扬朋友。Admonish your friends privately, praise them openly.

私下里劝告你的朋友,公开场合表扬他们。Admonish your friend in private , praise them in public.

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要私下告诫朋友,但要公开夸奖朋友。Admonish your friend privately , but praise them openly.

对朋友私下劝戒,公开表扬。Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.

真正的好朋友是能互相规劝、砥砺的。The genuine good friend is can admonish mutually, steel.

我会婉转的规诫他不要这样做。I will tactfully admonish him not to behave like this again.

但不要以他为仇人,要劝他如弟兄。Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

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告诫那些虚伪的人要在装有内涵。Admonish those hypocritical people should be in of connotation.

软件的属性继续提醒跳过的步骤。Our profile continued to admonish us for having skipped the step.

要私下告戒朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. ---- Syrus.

要私下告诫朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。——叙利亚作家西拉丁。Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. -Publius Syrus.

然而飘红,除了代表火热高涨之外,还或多或少地暗藏着危机警戒。However the red means upswing fiery, also it means the crisis to admonish more or less.

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上帝要求我们当在他人犯罪时劝诫他们,在他人向我们犯罪时宽恕他们。God requires that we admonish others when they sin and that we forgive them for their sins against us.

意识到你在这些方面的不足是很有好处的,它会告诫你应该专注于你擅长的领域。Such realization of your limitations is good, and should admonish you to focus on what you can be excellent at.

牧师告诫那些似乎有错误优先顺序的人,并无不当。It would not be inappropriate for a pastor to admonish those who appear to have the wrong priorities in this matter.

淳于髡知道齐王有整晚饮酒的坏毛病,于是决定借这个机会劝诫他。Knowing the king had a bad habit of drinking all night, Chunyu Kun decided to take this chance to admonish the king.

在本质上,中国传统家训中的诚信是一种心性诚信,而非契约诚信。The honesty and faith of chinese traditional family admonish is intrinsically heart honesty and faith, not contract.

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让Channa说他也喜欢说的,阿难,兄弟们不会对他说,不会劝告他,或责备他。Let Channa say whatever he may like, Ananda, the brethren should neither speak to him, nor exhort him, nor admonish him.

买的东西多了,自然会有心理价位的,告诫自己,一定要守住自己的心理价位。Bought thing is much, natural meeting has psychological price, admonish oneself, must defend oneself psychological price.

使用规范、准确、文明的语言,不得对当事人或其他诉讼参与人有任何不公的训诫和不恰当的言辞。use standard, correct and civilized language and should not admonish or say improper words to the parties or other participants.