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他是一位大提琴演奏家,同时也是吉他演奏家。Villa- Lobos was a cellist and guitarist, too.

我们还经常和另一个大提琴手在一起。We most often meet with another friend, a cellist.

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现在我已经不大可能成为一个大提琴家了I'm unlikely to become a concert cellist at this point.

要成为一名卓越的大提琴手需要多年的训练。It takes years of discipline to be an outstanding cellist.

她也许是当代最有名气的大提琴演奏家。She was, perhaps, the most celebrated cellist of our time.

大提琴演奏家总是在压缩或拉长弦A cellist is always shortening and lengthening the strings.

我可能已经失去了,成为一名出色的大提琴家的那种潜能I've probably lost my potential to be an outstanding cellist.

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90岁高龄的大提琴演奏家帕布罗·卡萨尔仍然以演奏巴赫的曲子作为一天的序曲。At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.

大提琴家卡萨尔斯将开始打巴赫的一天。At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.

世界闻名的大提琴家马友友于1998年创建了丝路工程。World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma founded The Silk Road Project in 1998.

这场音乐会是马友友独奏,他是一位优秀的大提琴家。The concert was a solo played by Yo Yo Ma, who is an excellent cellist.

和平是一条冲突和妥协构成的的双向街道---罗纳德。托马斯,美国大提琴演奏家。Peace is a two way road of conflict and compromise---Ronald Thomas, American cellist.

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这本书是围绕米亚,一位年轻的大提琴演奏家展开的。尽管她的生活并不完美,但却有把握平平常常。The book centers on Mia, a young cellist whose life is imperfect but securely ordinary.

也是首屈一指,表演者有男高音歌唱家多明戈和大提琴演奏家马友友。The music was also of the highest caliber, including tenor Placido Domingo and cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

一个大提琴手加入了进去,一个女人带着她的长笛凑了过去,他们弹奏了一曲大家熟知的旋律。A cellist joins him. A woman approaches with her flute. They strike up a melody that seems familiar.

一些世界顶级的音乐家,包括著名的大提琴家马友友和小提琴家艾萨克,在那里。Some of the world's top musicians, including the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the violinist Isaac Stern, played there.

战前,他曾是萨拉热窝歌剧团的首席大提琴手,这无疑是一份高尚而又文明的工作。Before the war he had been the principal cellist of the Sarajevo Opera Company-a distinguished and civilized job, no doubt.

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有琴箱以及怎样演奏大提琴一书和cd。松香和弦。对初学者和熟练者来说都很好。Comes in case with bow, 'Learn to Play the Cello' book and CD, rosin and strings. Excellent for beginner or advanced cellist.

负责在囚犯行军到安排的劳动地点的时候保持队形的比克瑙女子管弦乐队需要一个大提琴手.The Birkenau women’s orchestra, responsible for keeping prisoners in step as they marched to work assignments, needed a cellist.

那是去年的4月,受大提琴演奏家尤金•弗利森的邀请,我参加了在英国曼切斯特举行的国际大提琴艺术节,并与其同台演出。Last April I was invited by the cellist Eugene Friesen to perform with him at the International Cello Festival in Manchester, England.