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剩余价值规律。Law of surplus value.

这是一个相当大的盈余。This is a pretty big surplus.

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中国从不追求贸易顺差。China does not seek trade surplus.

巴西有很多剩余咖啡。Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.

我们的商店还有大量的产品积压。Our store has a surplus of product.

但是中国的往来账户盈余漏失很快。But China’s surplus is dropping faster.

多余的卫星通信站将被关闭。Surplus satcom stations will be closed.

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产品滞销商品过剩意味什么?The unmarketable products surplus mean?

在好年岁时,他们还能有多余的作物可以拿来卖钱。In good years they have surplus crops to sell.

剩余价值是可变资本产生的。Surplus value is alterable capital generation.

制糖业存在劳动力过剩。The labour force in sugar industry is surplus.

多余的西红柿堆积在特尼里弗农场里。Surplus tomatoes dumped on farmland in Tenerife.

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这与消费者剩余有什么关联How this relates to profits and consumer surplus.

再后来,他们开始学会了把剩余的种子拿去播种。Later, they would go on to sow the surplus seeds.

我们今年不可能有剩余产品。We are unlikely to produce any surplus this year.

她充满激情地用奶瓶喂食,超出了儿子的食量。She bottle-fed him with passion, surplus to demand.

银行保留有一笔很大的备用金。The bank keeps a large surplus of money in reserve.

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农民们把所有多余的小麦用来喂猪。Farmers are feeding all their surplus wheat to pigs.

不过在蔓越橘上则有九百万美元的盈余。But it had a 9 million dollar surplus in cranberries.

天然气数据为剩余技术可采储量。Data of natural gas are surplus recoverable reserves.