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但最新的研究表明,神经胶质的作用要远远大得多。But recent research has shown glia to be much more.

该杂志刊登有关神经胶质结构和功能各方面的文章。It publishes the articles of all aspects of glia structure and function.

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未成熟胶质细胞能促进成年鼠损伤后视神经的再生和髓鞘的形成。Unmature glia can improve the regeneration of optic nerve in adult mouse.

至此我们确认了神经胶细胞是以钙离子流入细胞的方式感知轴突的活动。THUS FAR WE HAD confirmed that glia sense axon activity by taking in calcium.

在神经胶质和神经元细胞质和细胞核中发现有颗粒状致密的FUS沉积。Granular and compact FUS deposits were identified in glia and neuronal cytoplasm and nuclei.

神经学家过去认为这些粘糊糊的胶质只是用来把神经元黏合在一起。Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together.

这项发现强烈暗示胶细胞会拮抗吗啡的止痛效应。These findings strongly indicated that glia were counteracting the pain-relieving effect of morphine.

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研究表明,在体外培养的条件下,可以自主分化成各种肌肉细胞、神经元细胞、神经胶质细胞等等。It can differentiate automatically into various muscle cells, neuron cell, glia cell, and so on in vitro.

研究芳烃类有机溶剂对原代培养大鼠神经胶质细胞的谷氨酸重摄取的影响。To study effect of aromatic hydrocarbon solvents on the reuptake of amino acid by primary cultured glia cells.

急性发病后,不出现大脑休克期,瘫痪肢体呈痉挛状态是基底节出血的重要体征。No cerebral shock phase with spastic hemiplegia after attack is an important sign of base gan- glia hemorrhage.

然后科学家们引导这些细胞形成神经元和神经胶质,这是受该疾病影响最重的细胞。The scientists then directed the cells to form neurons and glia , the cells that are most affected by the disease.

结果表明,胶质细胞在呈现一般的神经细胞形状之前,需要几天的程序调整时间。It was shown that glia cells need some days for the reprogramming until they take the normal shape of a nerve cell.

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人脑大部分细胞并非神经细胞,而是星状胶质细胞。The majority of cells in the human brain are not nerve cells but star-shaped glia cells, the so called "astroglia".

在脊髓,激活的胶质细胞还可以促进初级传入神经末梢释放P物质和兴奋性氨基酸而促进疼痛。Activated glia also enhance the release of substance P and excitatory amino acid from primary afferents in the spinal cord.

他也热衷于神经胶质的研究并发展了研究神经胶质的特殊染色方法,这却鲜为人知。What is less well known is that he also had a keen interest in glia and developed specific staining methods for their study.

比较脑部的结果显示,越是高度演化的动物,其神经胶细胞对神经元数目的比例越高。Comparisons of brains reveal that the proportion of glia to neurons increases greatly as animals move up the evolutionary ladder.

胶质细胞胞体及突起肿胀、胞浆空化、突触减少、轴索内神经微丝溶解。For the glia cell, there are swelling of body and process, cavitation of cytoplasm, decrease of synapses, dissolution of filament in axon.

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扫描电镜可见细胞球和分化细胞的形态,透射电镜可见细胞球和分化细胞的超微结构。Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that there were stem cell-like cells in cell spheres and neuron- and glia -like cells after the plating.

经实验证实,放射状胶质细胞可以产生大脑皮质的投射神经元,但是不产生源于端脑腹侧的中间神经元。Confirmed by experiment, Radial Glia can generate virtually all cortical projection neurons but not the interneurons originating in the ventral telencephalon.

除描述它们的形态之外,他还推测神经胶质在睡眠和觉醒中有一定作用,甚至推测它们在执行大脑功能比如注意力时也有作用。In addition to describing their morphology, he speculated on a role for glia in sleep and wakefulness and even in executive brain functions such as attention.