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看来他开始变得无情了。It seemed that he began to sear.

你的光辉艺术则永不凋残。But your glowing art will never sear.

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心灵专注现在对心灵枯萎同样有效。Focused Mind now also affects Mind Sear.

哥伦布是冲着南亚去的吗?Did Columbus go sear ching for 'South Asia'?

以前我的头发干枯、粗糙,难以梳理。My hair used to be sear , roughness and hard to tease.

这里可以不用心灵烙印铭文,消散铭文就可以。You don't really need Mind Sear glyph here , so stay with dispersion.

五花腩原件冲净,用老抽搽抹猪皮,用白镬爆至啡色。Rinse pork belly, rub skin with dark soya sauce, sear skin until brown.

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他们的轨道离所围绕的恒星太近,以至于可能灼烧其表面。Both have orbits very close to their stars that would sear the surfaces.

我的月亮、瘢痕开始在天空,我在贵方善待我看到眼里。I sear by the moon and the start in the sky and I side I see the qustions in your eyes.

这些火炮可以在一瞬间灼烧整个大陆的表面,但并不能粉碎了某个星球。These guns could sear entire continents in a moment, but not pulverize an entire planet.

ELISA分析结果表明S4与SARS病人恢复期血清具有良好的反应能力。ELISA showed that the S4 protein had a good reactivity with the sear from a SARS patient.

我花了将近一个小时去找它,直到我那脑子有点问题的前女友发了张它的照片给我。I spent about an hour sear ching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.

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将扇贝以盐和白胡椒粉调味后煎至两面金黄色。Season scallops with salt and pepper and sear on a hot pan till golden brown on both sides.

先在中等大小的铁铸平底锅内以中火将牛肉翻烧直至表面出现均匀的褐色酥皮。Heat a medium cast-iron pan over medium heat. Sear meat on all sides until it has a brown crust.

名厨们在他们所渴望的布满不锈钢的高光泽的烹调圣殿中切、蒸、烧。Celebrity chefs slice, steam and sear in aspirational culinary shrines of stainless steel and high gloss.

最好的那个房间俯瞰着公园的草坪。那里的青草已枯黄,草丛中露出一个小湖。The best room looked out upon the lawn of the park, now sear and brown, where a little lake lay sheltered.

下手帮手有一个与柄互动的那枯萎的而且用来在被耸立的位置中捉住下手帮手。The striker has a lug that interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position.

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这套的套路布局是由陈嗣样教练所编排,音乐由叶诗杰教练所设计。The whole team formation routine is designed by Coach Tan Sear Enyu and music edited by Coach Yip See Kit.

斯蒙特取得了难忘的印象,他对观众描绘的破坏性困扰科尔瘢痕。Osment made an unforgettable impression on moviegoers with his devastating portrayal of the haunted Cole Sear.

了解如何烧焦了塞在美国这个自由的经典配方视频剪辑猪肉里脊与专家烹饪技巧。Learn how to sear the stuffed pork loin with expert cooking tips in this free classic American recipe video clip.