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小客体永远无法跨越这个罅隙。The petit a never crosses this gap.

奥雷利娅尤其是迷人的小收看。Aurelia Petit especially is fascinating to watch.

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罗兰·帕蒂上次访问北京时被引见见到了叶小钢。Petit was introduced to the composer on a previous visit to Beijing.

可惜小黑羊说从相中看好像未贴墙纸一样喎!When petit Mouton Noir looked at this picture and he said " too bad!"

威尔士以小偷小盗和持续取回财产的抗辩而被控诉。Wilson is charged with petit theft and resisting recovery of property.

山金车油混合薰衣草精油,马郁兰和小粒谷。Arnica oil mixed with essential oils of lavender, marjoram and petit grain.

该款2003年份混合了赤霞珠、小味儿多、玛尔贝克和美乐四个葡萄品种。The 2003 is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Malbec and Merlot.

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他写道,因为养金鱼,他被评批为小资产阶级。Raising goldfish, he wrote, had been criticized as a petit bourgeoispractice.

我们失去了佩蒂特,这很可惜,但是我们仍然非常有斗志。We will have to do without Petit , that's a shame, but we are very motivated.

帕斯卡·葩蒂生于巴黎,成长于法国和威尔士,现居伦敦。Pascale Petit was born in Paris, grew up in France and Wales and lives in London.

个人角度来讲,我是个典型的有点小资情调的上海女人。Personally, I am a typical Shanghai woman with some petit bourgeoisie sentiments.

主要是解百纳,也有少许味而多及美露。The blend is mostly Cabernet, but has a bit of Petit Verdot and Merlot blended in too.

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但最引人注目的特技是在1974年,由法国高丝艺术家菲利普珀蒂。But the most dramatic stunt was in 1974, by the French high wire artist Philippe Petit.

珀蒂布瓦岛和它的几个延伸岛屿被标示为重度或中度油污染。A few small stretches of Petit Bois Island had been labeled heavily or moderately oiled.

“阿森纳依然在面对讲究身体对抗打法的英超球队有问题,”佩蒂特说。"Arsenal still have problems in the Premier League against physical teams, " said Petit.

但是在短短一个夏天的早晨,珀蒂给了塔楼他们自己的历史。But in the span of a single summer morning, Petit gave the towers a history of their own.

失神发作——也称小发作——是一种短暂的、突然的意识丧失。Absence seizure — also known as petit mal — involves a brief, sudden lapse of consciousness.

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事实上,我会很高兴花额外的时间在蛋糕,果馅饼和花色小蛋糕上。As a matter of fact, I would happily spend extra time on cakes, tarts, breads and petit fours.

蕴含巴拉圭小谷粒,高加索山脉鼠尾草波旁皇族的天竺葵味调。Contains the notes of Petit Grain from Paraguay, Clary Sage from the Caucasus and Bourbon Geranium.

我们的袖珍香蕉蛋糕是由新鲜香蕉和全麦面粉制成,既健康又美味。Wholesome and hearty, our Petit Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas.