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柔软,有酸味呢?Soft , and a crisp acidity?

酸度平衡带出木味。Balanced acidity with oaky flavors.

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你怎样测试土壤的酸度?How do you test the acidity of soil?

口感柔软,新鲜略带酸味。Very soft, fresh, with a good acidity.

酸度的酚酞法测定。Determination of acidity to phenolphthalein.

用试验器具测一下土壤的酸度。Check the acidity of the soil with a test kit.

酒体适中,酸度美好。Medium body and equilibrated with good acidity.

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酸度适中,果香的回味绵长。The wine has nice acidity and a long fruity finish.

过量的酸在料浆贮槽中进一步中和。Excess acidity is corrected in the slurry storage tanks.

酸度清脆平衡,余味悠长,回味无穷。Balanced by crisp acidity for a long and memorable finish.

葡萄酒的酸度和优雅都比正常表现出色。Wines should show higher-than-normal acidity and elegance.

中等醇度,酸度温和,带有苦甜味。Simple, mild in flavor, heavy-body with a touch of acidity.

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酒体纤细,不属于饱满类型,有着脆爽的酸度。The body is lean rather than full bodied with crisp acidity.

弱酸性配方,温和、不刺激肌肤。Weak acidity formulation, geniality, not stimulate the skin.

乳酸发酵是至关重要的减少葡萄酒的酸度。Malolactic fermentation is vital to lessen the wine's acidity.

含糖量和酒体感,其他如橡树木味,单宁和酸度。Sweetness and body. Other facts such as Oak, tannin and acidity.

臭氧氧化增加了碳黑的表面酸性。The oxidation increases the surface acidity of the carbon black.

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鸡粪能减少土壤的酸性,创造出细菌降解的理想环境。The manure decreases the acidity of soil, creating an environment

环境酸化可明显促进NO的体外神经损伤作用。In acidity condition neuronal damage of NO was enhanced obviously.

基橙指示剂取代酸度计来指示终点。Replace the acidity of orange indicator of instructions to the end.