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甚至神的弥赛亚。Even God's own Messiah.

弥赛亚意味着什么?What does Messiah mean?

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你是真正的救世主。You are the true Messiah.

你是你自己的救世主。You are your own Messiah.

是什么让乔帮主成了数码救世主?What Makes a Digital Messiah?

在你之外没有任何的救世主。There is no Messiah outside of you.

然而那并不会使奥巴马成为新的救世主。But that does not make Mr Obama the new messiah.

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冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah.

弥赛亚岂是从加利利出来的吗?Who says the Messiah is supposed to come from Galilee?

愿荣耀归于至高神,耶稣是弥赛亚!Glory in the highest heaven for Jesus the Messiah reigns.

甚至耶稣都被看作不可能是弥赛亚。Even Jesus was reckonedan unlikely candidate for the Messiah.

达味的「后裔」,肯定祂是预许的默西亚。"Descendant" of David affirms that he is the promised Messiah.

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有各种各样的人,认为弥赛亚就在身边。There were all kinds of people who thought--the Messiah was around.

神剧由韩德尔在1741年创作而成。The Messiah Oratorio was composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741.

而弥赛亚思想是这两大宗教的重要分歧之一。Above all, the difference on the concept of Messiah is the biggest one.

在这个迷因最近的版本中,李宇春被塑造为救世主的形象。In the meme's latest development, Li Yuchun has become a messiah figure.

他说耶稣就是旧约预言已久的弥赛亚。He says that Jesus is the Messiah that the Old Testament long prophesied.

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他们必须重新想出新的概念来解释,犹太人的弥赛亚到底是什么。They basically had to invent a new concept of what the Jewish Messiah was.

其他自称是弥赛亚的人只能很快露出原形。An unrighteous self-styled Messiah would soon have been exposed as a fraud.

马太同样认为耶稣是神之子,他是弥赛亚。Matthew also believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the Messiah.