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这明显是一个骗局。It’s an obvious hoax.

我希望这是一次恶作剧。I wish this was a hoax.

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只是一场恶作剧?l. Everthing only a hoax?

当然,这是一场闹剧。It was, of course, a hoax.

别戏弄新来的小伙子啊,他是我外甥。Don't hoax the new boy who's my nephew.

第一大恶作剧是1957年愚人节的瑞士意大利面大丰收。Swiss spaghetti harvest tops the hoax list.

他坚称,这项服务并非恶作剧。He also insists that the service is not a hoax.

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但现在证实所谓的‘大提琴阴囊’只是个恶作剧。But it turned out that "cello scrotum" was a hoax.

迪克承认游猎玩意只是骗局。Burdick admitted that the safaris were just a hoax.

不要愚弄老人哦,记住,姜是老的辣!Don't hoax the old, remember, old ginger is alway hot!

“这样的古怪骗局实在是前所未闻,”朱说。"It was the most bizarre hoax we've ever had, " Chu said.

你可能会认为这是一张动过手脚的老照片,很蹩脚。You'll probably think it's just a crude hoax from bygone days.

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这个意大利通心粉收获节的闹剧引发了巨大的反响。The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest hoax generated an enormous response.

没有证据证明认为这是一个骗局。Seeing as there's no proof besides their word, take it as a hoax.

我得知他将到来的消息,却只变成一个玩笑。I hear the news of his arrival, but it turn out to is a mere hoax.

Nibiru和其它行星撞地球的故事是一个网上的骗局。Nibiru and other stories about waywardplanets are an Internet hoax.

我得知他将到来的消息,原来只是一个玩笑。I hear the news of his arrival, but it turned out to be a mere hoax.

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你们愚弄了自己,你们的方式才残酷无情。You have played the hoax on yourself, and it is your ways which are cruel.

主席奥雷希利去他的坟墓在2005年坚持这张照片是没有虚报。Mr O'Rahilly went to his grave in 2005 insisting the photograph was no hoax.

他们认为这个深坑是由铁铲挖出来的,而整个事情只是一场骗局。They think the hole was dug by a shovel, and the whole thing was just a hoax.