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成群的亲戚来看伊凡。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

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成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come apt watch Yvonne at the dozen.

无论如何,亲属不会受到溺爱。Kinfolk don't receive much coddling, however.

即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs.

我把另一个儿子送到乡下和亲戚住在一起。I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinfolk.

银牙从他们的贵族亲属那里借鉴了很多的传统。The Silver Fangs borrowed many traditions from their noble Kinfolk.

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爱是尊重对方和对方关爱的人,即使他的亲友很难让人喜欢。It is respect for each cares about, however difficult it is sometimes to like his kinfolk or his friends.

最糟糕的情况是,当你看见你的亲戚们和过去一样‘发神经’时,你会令人遗憾地感到自己成为了”局外人“。At worst, you'll feel regrettably detached from your kinfolk as you watch them play out their usual psychoses.

我有我的思想——它是所有失落于自己故乡、陌生于自己民族、孤独于自己亲人和朋友者的思想。Mine is the thought of him who is lost in his own country, of the alien in his own nation, of the solitary among his kinfolk and friends.

他们教育移民及其后人胜过他们来美国时留在家中父母或祖先的亲戚。They are educating immigrants and their descendants to outperform the kinfolk their parents or ancestors left behind when they came to America.

当德古拉的一群远亲出现在她的城堡中,并希望这位冷血的主人给以热情的迎接时,他吝啬地招待了他们。When a gaggle of Dracula's distant kinfolk shows up at his castle expecting a warm welcome from their cold-blooded host, he begrudgingly accommodates them.

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“亲亲得相首匿”是我国古代的司法传统,这一传统也为现代世界刑事司法潮流所认同。In ancient times, people were not be punished when they kept silent or told a lie for protecting their kinfolk who committed crime. That is a tradition in the ancient judicatory in our country.