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肺病。Lung disease.

疾病和灾荒?Disease and famine?

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慢性心脏疾病咋办?Chronic heart disease?

什么是心脏病?What is heart disease?

这病会传染吗?。Is this disease catchy?

疾病和灾荒?No. Disease and famine?

酗酒是一种病。Alcoholism is a disease.

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先天性心脏病。Congenital heart disease.

对于慢性病性贫血。Anemia of chronic disease.

预防心管疾病。Prevents coronary disease.

这病能治好吗?This disease can be cured?

心脏病和糖尿病。Heart disease and diabetes.

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这种病遗传吗?Is this disease hereditary?

这病招人。This disease is infectious.

治疗输卵管炎多少钱?。Tubal disease how to check?

他得了不治之症。He got an incurable disease.

一场重病夺去了他的生命。A serious disease felled him.

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癌症是一种顽症。Canser is a stubborn disease.

怎样治疗晕车病呢?How to treat carsick disease?

喜欢瘫痪和病魔缠身的题材?Prefer paralysis and disease?