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现代人类第一代可辨认的祖先就是在上新世进化而来。The first recognisable ancestors of modern humans evolved during the Pliocene epoch.

它们现在的构造格局基本上是在晚上新世或早更新世奠定的。Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene.

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这些云南西部晚上新世植被反映了湿润的亚热带山地气候。Both Late Pliocene vegetation reflect humid subtropical, mountain climate with humidity.

雨花石层的时代长期以来有争论,有归于上新世也有认为是中新世。The age of the Yuhuashi Bed has been a topic of long debate, either Pliocene or Miocene.

上新世出现断陷,中更新世成湖。Fault depression took place in Pliocene and the Qinghai Lake formed in Middle Pleistocene.

因此,含高山栎岩系的地质时代不会早于上新世中晚期。The geological age of the present sandstone series is not earlier than the middle-late Pliocene.

上新世和第四纪主要为浅海陆架及半深海充填沉积。There were mainly neritic shelf and bathyal filling sedimentation in the Pliocene and Quaternary.

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分子进化的研究表明雉科各属的起源主要集中在上新世。Molecular phylogenetic studies indicated that genera of Phasianidae originated mainly in Pliocene.

因此科学家们经常在所谓上新世暖温期中寻找有关未来气候的线索。So scientists often look to this so-called Pliocene warm period for hints about our future climate.

中新世至上新世,研究区发育深海平原和陆坡坡脚沉积。The strata of Miocene and Pliocene in the study area deposit in the deepsea plain and toe of slope.

上新世大约结束于三百万年前发生在北半球大冰原之间的碰撞。The Pliocene ended around three million years ago with the onset of large ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.

该地区分布着两百余座大大小小的火山,形成于中新世、上新世和更新世。There are more than 200 volcanic hills, mainly occurring in the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene in the region.

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而320万年前,老虎就以作为上世纪末独一无二的品种进行着演化。The tiger then began to evolve into a unique species toward the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 3.2 million years ago.

最晚的化石记录分别发现于北美的中中新世、欧洲的上新世和亚洲的更新世。Youngest occurrences were found from the Middle Miocene of North America, the Pliocene of Europe, and the Pleistocene of Asia.

通过共和盆地西北部晚新生代地层的野外地质调查,发现上新世地层中存在一期角度不整合面。An angular unconformity within the Pliocene stratum was found during field exploration in northwestern part of the Gonghe Basin.

从晚上新世或第四纪初开始沉积到第四纪中晚期停止沉积的是第二沉积期。And the period from Late Pliocene or the early time of Qua-ternary to Middle and Late Quaternary is the second sedimentation period.

上新世中晚期一第四纪进入快速生长期,晚期盐构造生长速率高且差别大。The fast growth of the salt structure took place from the middle-late Pliocene to Quaternary, featuring quick and differentiated growth.

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那时冰川的情况并不清楚,但据说那时的海平面要比现在高80英尺。The state of the ice sheets during the Pliocene is not well known, but it is thought that sea level ranged up to 80 feet higher than today.

上新世巴漏河组在淄博地区的发现填补了该地区上新统的空白。The development of the Balouhe Formation discovered at first time in Zibo area, Shandong Province filled the stratum gap of Pliocene system.

从地层层序和植物群的特点上看,该煤组的地质时代为上新世晚期。Judging from the stratigraphical sequence and the characteristics of this flora, the geological age of the said coal series is late Pliocene.