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拱点的或与之相关的。Of or relating an apse.

一周的周末去布赖顿的姘妇那儿。Of or relating to a week.

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属于或关于冲积层的。Of or relating to alluvium.

属于或关于神智学的。Of or relating to theosophy.

属于或关于古典主义的。Of or relating to classicism.

小舌的,和小舌有关的。Of or relating to the tongue.

属于或关于常染色体的。Of or relating to an autosome.

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脉络膜的或与脉络膜有关的。Of or relating to the choroid.

隆起的或与之相关的。Of or relating to an apophysis.

三伏天的或与之相关的。Of or relating to the dog days.

汽车有前轮驱动装置。Of or relating to four-wheel drive.

与隆线有关或类似于隆线。Relating to or resembling a carina.

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水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的。Of, relating to, or being an element.

对一个来临的高潮的热烈的期盼。Relating to or constituting a climax.

属于、有关或靠近尾骨。of or relating to or near the coccyx.

属于或与岩基有关。Geology of or relating to a batholith.

胡蜂的,与胡蜂有关的,似胡蜂的。Of, relating to, or resembling a wasp.

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气流造成的由冰粒构成的降水。Of or relating to rising wind currents.

对称中心必须与质量中心重合。Of or relating to the center of gravity.

海的,有关海的,邻海的。Of, relating to, or adjacent to the sea.