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昏迷案例之二。Coma case two.

他神志昏迷说胡话。He rallied from his coma.

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你们知道我怎么会昏迷不醒吗?You know how I'm in a coma?

吉莱斯皮先生当时是在昏迷中。Mr. Gillespie was in a coma.

我以为是我害你昏迷不醒。I thought I put you in a coma.

病人进入了昏迷状态。The sick man went into a coma.

妞妞目前仍处于深度昏迷状态。The girl remains in a deep coma.

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他们处于药物引起的深度昏迷。They're in a chemical-induced coma.

他已经昏迷不觉了三天,家人都很担心。His three-day coma worried his family.

昏迷中的卓以安终于醒了!Coma with Ann the daedra finally awake!

没过几天,老兵就处于昏迷状态。A few days later the veteran was in a coma.

在过去的六个星期中,他一直昏迷不醒。He's been in a coma for the past six weeks.

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不到一小时,亨利埃塔陷入了昏迷。Within an hour, Henrietta slipped into a coma.

孩子平安出生可小艾却昏迷没有醒来。Children born but little moxa coma not wake up.

本茨先生,他撞伤了头,还在昏迷当中。He hit his head , mr . bees . he ' s in a coma.

情况严重的会进一步恶化以致昏迷及神志不清。Severe cases may progress to confusion and coma.

彗发还伸出一个短而粗的尘埃尾。The coma also sports a short, stubby, dust tail.

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唐晓茹在昏迷过程中梦到了高寒。Tang Xiaoru in a coma in the dream of the alpine.

临死前出现痉挛、角弓反张和昏迷。Convulsious, opisthotonus and coma preceded death.

是你,将我从深深的混沌与迷惘中唤醒。You wake me up, from profound coma and aimlessness.