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我必须在我的电池使用神火手电筒?Must I use SureFire batteries in my flashlight?

困难是你最终成功的必经之路。That’s your surefire route to ultimate success.

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填补职位空缺并无轻松或保证成功的方法。There is no easy or surefire way to fill vacancies.

挂我们的电话肯定会让我们气鼓鼓地睡觉。Hanging up on us is a surefire way to make sure we go to bed mad.

将使用非神火品牌电池保修无效我的万无一失?Will using non-SureFire brand batteries void my SureFire warranty?

或许这世上真的没有什么不老泉能让你永葆青春,但却有一种千真万确的方法Maybe there is no fountain of youth, but there is a surefire way to

这是一种认识你梦中情人又快又容易而且保证成功的方法。It's quick, easy, and a surefire way to meet the mate of your dreams.

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但医学专家警告人们不要相信这种药物肯定有效。But medical experts caution against the belief that it is a surefire cure.

一种肯定能够活跃气氛的方法就是鼓励互动。One surefire way to liven up a presentation is to encourage interactivity.

尽管这一时期缺乏轰动效应的片子,摩尔在演艺圈稳扎稳打。Despite the lack of surefire hits during this period, Moore worked steadily.

所以请保证你在性爱的前戏和后戏中远离下面的错误。So keep your pre- and post-coital repertoire free of these surefire screw-ups.

一个对待科技非常教条的方法就是一定要花不必花的钱。A dogmatic approach to technology is a surefire way to spend money unnecessarily.

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焦虑和停留在某人的烦恼上面是一定会造成偏执狂的。Worrying and dwelling on one’s worries is a surefire way of building up paranoia.

如果你是个公务员,避开麻烦的唯一保险的办法就是不批准。If you were a civil servant, the only surefire way to stay out of trouble was to say no.

一个肯定能提升你设计事业的方法是向其他领域的大师学习。A surefire way to move your design career ahead is to learn from masters in their fields.

过分依赖经验、直觉,内心感觉是准不会错的是会导致错误的增长。Overreliance on experience, intuition, and gut feeling is a surefire way of increasing waste.

要是敢用这个词,一个美籍华人是肯定会遭到鄙视的,或多或少。Using the loaded term is a surefire way for a Chinese-American to get judged, one way or another.

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然而自发性对某些行动来说却是很好的,这无疑是中会妨碍改变的方法。While spontaneity is wonderful for some activities, it's a surefire method for sabotaging change.

过去,人们把读研看成是通往美国梦的成功之路。It used to be that people went to graduate school as a surefire way to achieve the American Dream.

他肯定有点紧张,但是他选择为孩子们布道作为礼拜仪式的开始,认定这样肯定可以带来仪式的成功。He had to be a little nervous, but he began the service with a surefire winner, a children’s sermon.