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我今天后背疼。I’ve got backache today.

他腰有点发酸。He has a slight backache.

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我的背痛我折磨死了。My backache is killing me.

腰痠背痛辸觉得緈諨。Backache still feel happiness.

医治腰痛的惟一办法就是休息。The only way to cure backache is to rest.

我有严重的头痛和腰疼。I have a terrible headache and a backache.

他感到背很痛,而且蹲不下身。He felt his backache and didn't hunker down.

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腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。Backache kidney virtual, put chestnut porridge.

我感到很糟糕,我头痛,背痛和喉咙痛。I've got a headache, backache and a sore throat.

他的背疼只是不想做园艺活的借口而已。His backache is only an excuse for not gardening.

表演后,Tanya会感到一丝背痛。After her performance Tanya has a slight backache.

才装了一会儿,我就累得腰酸背疼。Just a moment I was too tired to waist sour backache.

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这几天不停地锄草,背疼,祝愿。These days it\'s all weed killing, backache and wishes.

习惯它就象习惯自己的背疼一样?Get used to it as one gets used to living with a backache?

背痛是一种很常见的妊娠期不适症状。Backache is one of the most common discomforts of pregnancy.

现,长期在家中办公甚至会引起背痛。Periods of home-working even caused backache , it was discovered.

以前年轻的时候,哪里知道什么是头疼什么是腰酸背痛呢?When I was young, where to know what is what is a headache backache?

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当您长时间面对电脑伏案工作,受否感到腰酸背痛?After working on the computer for a long time, do you have a backache?

这些天睡醒总腰酸背痛的怎么回事?。Wake up these days of total acerbity backache how to return a responsibility?

跌打扭伤,肌肉疼痛,肌肉疲劳,腰痛,肩。Bruises, sprains, muscular pain, muscular fatigue, lumbago, stiff shoulders, backache.