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对于所有死者的不信神的?For all the deceased godless?

已故者死于年迈。The deceased died of old age.

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她想念过死的双亲。She missed her deceased parents.

他为妻子穿孝。He wore mourning for his deceased wife.

你是死者家属吗?。Are you a family member of the deceased?

钱云孟是逝者钱云会的弟弟。Mr Qian is a close cousin of the deceased.

亡友的这些粗鄙可怜的诗行。These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover.

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这个老人死后无嗣。The old man deceased without leaving an heir.

他们正在进行统计死亡和失踪人数。They are accounting for the deceased and missing.

如何关心已故社友宝眷?。How can we care for spouses of deceased Rotarians?

杰克支撑起死去的科菲尔的尸体,使之坐直在后座中。Jack props up the deceased Cofell in the back seat.

让那些不幸在此次台风中丧生者,得以安息。May the unfortunate deceased in typhoon rest in peace.

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他惧怕亡妻的幽灵会来缠扰他。He feared the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him.

数百名死去的士兵横七竖八地躺在那里。Hundreds of deceased soldiers lay in a state of disarray.

这位作家把他第一本书题献给他的亡妻。The writer dedicated his first novel to his deceased wife.

我小心地穿行在阵亡战友们的残躯之间。I step carefully around random pieces of deceased brethren.

这句话不对吧烧纸钱怎么是给他们下辈子用呢?The paper money is for the deceased to use in the afterlife.

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已故老年痴呆病患者的萎缩大脑A brain from a deceased Alzheimer's patient appears shrunken.

田中纯子是佐原的已故妻子的妹妹。Junko Tanaka is the younger sister of Sawara's deceased wife.

他觉得协助亡友的家属是他的义务。He conceived it his duty to help his deceased friend's family.