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圆形大厅东面阳台的摄像头。Rotunda east balcony camera.

我们在圆形大厅遇到了些情况。We’ve got some kind of disturbance in the Rotunda.

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我跟着群众进入教堂的圆形大厅。I followed the crowd into the rotunda of the church.

圆形大厅今天几乎没有多少人,只零星散布着几个游客。The Rotunda was almost deserted today, dotted with just a few tourists.

这与劳合社,谁声称它是在中央大厅在伍尔维奇。This contradicts Lloyd , who claims it to be at the Rotunda at Woolwich.

一分钟前他还穿着那件军装外套跛着腿快速的离开圆形大厅。Only a minute ago he had limped quickly out of the Rotunda in an army-surplus coat.

那一天,我正穿过圆形大厅从州议会大厦的众议院走向参议院去,他叫住了我。One day he stopped me as I was crossing the rotunda from the House to the Senate side of the Capitol.

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今天是公众去首都圆形大厅向这位美国的第38任总统表达敬意的最后一天。Today is the last day for the public to pay their respects to the 38th president in the capital rotunda.

今天是公众在国会山圆形大厅向美国第38任总统致敬的最后一天。Today is the last day for the public to pay their respects to the 38th president in the capital rotunda.

花坛内又重新载满了植物,莱特当年安装在圆形建筑内的喷泉也重新启用。Planters, complete with live plants, and a fountain that Wright installed in the rotunda are back in use.

今天,当你走进莱特这座圆形建筑,深深打动你的是它那种亲切和舒适的华贵感。What strikes you when you walk into Wright’s rotunda today is how intimate and comfortable its magnificence is.

在一个水幕的背后,沿着中央水池的人行道,在另一个端头,便到达了一个圆形大厅。A recessed walkway along the edge of the central pool, behind a curtain of water, leads into a rotunda at the opposite end.

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罗莎·帕克斯是第一位去世后灵柩停放在美国国会山大厦圆形大厅供公众瞻仰的妇女,也是第二位美国非洲裔享此殊荣。Parks is the first woman and the second African-American to be honored by lying in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building.

新的乘客通道包围现有的圆形大厅,由一系列天窗和落地窗采光。The new Passenger Gallery wraps around the existing rotunda and is illuminated by a continuous skylight and floor-to-ceiling windows.

据国会山警察估计,3万多美国公民前往国会圆形大厅瞻仰罗莎灵柩,向她表达哀思。Capitol Police estimated that more than 30,000 Americans filed through the Capitol rotunda and past Parks' casket to pay their respects.

受邀者可以在曼哈顿Guggenheim博物馆观看展示——15个着高跟鞋的比基尼模特凝视星空。The invitees gathered in the rotunda of the Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan to view 15 bikini-clad models staring into space atop their high heels.

在圆形大厅后面是垂着黄叶的细长的树木,穿过树叶可见一线大海,在那之外便是漂浮着金色纹脉白云的蓝天。Behind the rotunda the slender trees with yellow leaves down drooping, and through them just a line of sea, and beyond the blue sky gold-veined clouds.

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在州议会圆形大厅举行的一小时集会给了美国穆斯林社区的成员们一个平台,他们还谈到国会举行的听证。The hour-long rally in the rotunda of the state capitol gave a platform to members of the Muslim American community, who also spoke out about the hearings.

哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护著耶稣的墓地。The wailing wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities while the resurrection rotunda in the church of the holy sepulchre houses christ's tomb.

哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护着耶稣的墓地。The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities, while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ's tomb.