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我们很震惊。We were both shocked.

尴尬的或震惊的。Embarassed or shocked.

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我有点震惊。I was a trifle shocked.

它们并不会让我感到震惊。I’m not shocked by them.

我怔住了!I was shocked at the moment.

伊耿王子听起来很震惊。Prince Aegon sounded shocked.

西尔维亚震惊地看着我。Sylvia looked at me, shocked.

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不过我们不应该为此感到震惊。Not that we should be shocked.

之后,我已不会被轻易震惊。I was no longer easily shocked.

他的猝死使我们都震惊了。His sudden death shocked us all.

噢!那个插座又电到我了。Oow! That outlet shocked me again.

我震惊得一句话也说不出来。I was too shocked to say any thing.

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震惊了整个半导体业。Shocked the semiconductor industry.

当时,这起事件的揭露震惊了全国。The revelations shocked the country.

罗伯特被惊得哑口无言。Robert was shocked almost to dumbness.

她的小说淫秽不堪,公众十分震惊。Her scabrous novels shocked the public.

他的落马震惊了欧洲。His fall has especially shocked Europe.

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我被这家俱乐部的粗俗氛围感到震惊。The club was so low-brow I was shocked.

这条新闻的揭露震惊了公众。The new's disclosure shocked the public.

他十分震惊地问室友这么做的原因。He felt shocked and asked his roomie why.