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对于当前所有语言来说,良好的IDE支持都是前提条件。Good IDE support is a precondition for any language these days.

ISAR成像中的转角估计是进行正确成像的先决条件。The estimation of rotation angle is the precondition for ISAR imaging.

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因此稳定性是细胞神经网络可靠工作的前提。Therefore, the stability is precondition of credibility work for CNNs.

事实婚不受法律保护,法律婚是重婚的前提。Fact marry not be protected by law. Law marry is bigamous precondition.

压力系统的刻度是地层测试器测井的前提。Calibration of pressure system is the precondition of formation tester log.

计数管控制电源是它具有良好工作性能的前提。The control power supply of the counter is the precondition of the counter.

审判权的独立行使是司法公正的前提。Exercising jurisdiction independently is precondition of judicatory justice.

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实施便衣侦查,应以情报信息研判为前提。The information study should be the precondition for plainclothes detection.

师爱是教育活动中永恒的前提与主题。Teacher's love is the eternal precondition and theme of educational activities.

机器人的姿态是机器人自主爬楼的前提。The pose of a mobile robot is the precondition of stairs climbing automatically.

美国应该坚持将实质性的议事日程作为奥巴马访问的前提。The US should insist on a substantive agenda as a precondition for any Obama visit.

推销商正想方设法使顾客有意购买他们的产品。Merchandisers were seeking ways to precondition the customers to buy their products.

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对原始脑电信号的预处理是对脑电进行分析与计算的前提与基础。It is the base and precondition that EEG must be preprocessed before it is available.

育性基因的定位为辅助育种和成功转育不育系或恢复系奠定了基础。Location of the fertility restorer gene is the precondition of the assistant breeding.

交通信息的互连与共享是实现交通信息化、智能化的前提条件。The interline and sharing of traffic information is the precondition to implement ITS.

做兼职的前提是应先做好自己的本业。The precondition of doing part time jobs is to fulfill one's primary occupation first.

对紫粒小麦粒色性状的遗传分析和色素基因定位的研究为紫粒小麦遗传育种奠定了基础。Location of the grain pigment gene is the precondition of the assistant wheat breeding.

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一月,奥巴马上任以后,提出与伊朗进行无先决条件会谈。After taking office in January, Barack Obama offered talks without precondition to Iran.

但垃圾分类和减量化应该是垃圾焚烧厂建设的前置条件。Waste sorting and reduction should be a precondition for the construction of incinerators.

协调完备的税收法律体系是依法治税的前提和基础。A coordinated and complete tax law system is the precondition and basis of taxation by law.