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我感觉到了我的心跳。Yeah, I feel my heartbeat.

一皱眉,一心跳,一叹息A blink. A heartbeat. A sigh.

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接著,海岭的心跳减慢。Then Herring's heartbeat slowed.

心动描记器上标明心跳次数。A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

“扑通”的声音是你的心跳。The "lub-dup" sound is your heartbeat.

节拍有点像心脏的跳动The beat's kind of like the heartbeat.

心电图仪能记录心脏的搏动。The cardiograph records the heartbeat.

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若有似无的心跳,被掏空的灵魂。With a sampled heartbeat & a stolen soul.

我觉得自己几乎能捧住她的心跳。Her heartbeat was almost something I could hold.

按摩你的耳垂就可以减慢你的心跳。I can touch your earlobe and slow your heartbeat.

一队之梦,万人心跳!The dream of one team, the heartbeat of millions! !

而是心跳的录音。They're listening to a tape recording of a heartbeat.

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宝宝的心搏将会受到持续监控。Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.

青春岁月,也难免有憧憬和心动。Youth, also hard to avoid has a vision and heartbeat.

随着光线变亮,心跳稍微变快了。The heartbeat speeds up slightly as the light brightens.

你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里比我的梦还甜美。Your very voice is in my heartbeat sweeter than my dream.

心连心,手牵手,我们一定能够创造新的时代。Heartbeat by heartbeat, hand by hand, we'll build a new era.

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她的心跳现在强劲到可以在声波图上显示出来了。Her heartbeat is now strong enough to register on a sonogram.

大夫听了听那个病孩子的快速的心跳声。The doctor listened to the rapid heartbeat of the sick child.

总有一些话,每次听见,心跳慢半拍。There is always something, every time to hear, slow heartbeat.