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为什么奴役制度在美洲能大行其道?Why did chattel slavery take hold in the Americas?

佩恩海滩,坐在一活动小木屋的台阶上的男人。Man sitting on steps of Chattel House, Payne's Bay.

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在我的机器设备上只有一项动产抵押。Only there's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment.

第三部分分析了动产抵押效力的范围。The third part to analyze the scope of chattel mortgage effect.

第二部分研究了动产抵押标的物范围。The second part is about the subject matter of Chattel Mortgage.

是哥伦布交换导致奴役制度在美洲大陆出现的吗?Did the Columbian Exchange cause chattel slavery in the Americas?

最后,研究动产抵押应关注抵押权实现的顺位问题。Lastly, realization order of chattel hypothecation shall be addressed.

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动产抵押制度重新焕发生命力得益于英美法系。The flourish of chattel hypothecation benefits from Anglo-American law.

动产担保融资是以动产为担保物的融资形式。Chattel secured financing is the way of financing guaranteed by chattel.

笔者认为所有权保留买卖既适用于动产也适用于不动产。The writer thinks the retention of title can be used in chattel and real estate.

登记对抗主义是多数立法例采纳的动产抵押的公示方法。The effectiveness of chattel hypothecation is on the basis of proper publication of real rights.

动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law.

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动产抵押物的交易会引起抵押权人和标的受让人之间的利益冲突。The trade of the chattel mortgage subject could cause a conflict between the mortgagee and assignee.

论文分析了动产抵押标的物的条件和我国现行法上的相关规定。The paper analyzed the subject conditions of chattel mortgage and China's current relative regulations.

第三部分分析了动产抵押登记制度的责任保障机制。The third section analyzes the ensuring mechanism of liability of the registration system of chattel mortgage.

动产,指的是除了不动产以外的财产。它是“不动产”相对应的一个概念。A chattel is treated as personal property rather than real property regardless of whether it is movable or immovable.

涉及票据、所有权凭证或动产契据时,“交付”指自愿转移占有。"Delivery", with respect to an instrument, document of title, or chattel paper, means voluntary transfer of possession.

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工业社会的基础经济资源是机器,于是动产法取代了土地法的核心地位。Industrial society's foundational economic resources are machines, whereupon chattel law takes the core position of land law.

最后,法院判决奴隶——作为动产或稀有财产——不经正当程序不得离开自己的主人。Lastly, the Court ruled that slaves—as chattel or private property—could not be taken away from their owners without due process.

从动产抵押在罗马法的兴衰亦可见登记对抗主义的不合理性。On the other hand, the experience of chattel mortgage in Roman law can also manifest the irrationality of registration antagonism.