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可以用来加热大肠镜检测仪器。Warm up the colonoscopy instruments.

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我又作了CT扫描,核磁共振成像和结肠镜检查。So did the CT scan, the MRI and the colonoscopy.

在打算接受结肠镜检查前,请注意使你的医生明确有如下事项Tell a physician who is planning your colonoscopy if you

他唯一能判断的办法就是做结肠镜检查。The only way he could tell, though, was to do a colonoscopy.

你的外科医师会决定结肠镜检查的频率。Your surgeon will decide on the frequency of your colonoscopy exams.

目的探讨大肠镜在小儿外科的应用。Objective To investigate the application of colonoscopy in pediatric surgery.

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安排日常检查像一个大肠镜检查更始障碍重重。That's on top of the extra hurdles to arrange routine care, like a colonoscopy.

这个孩子无聊的快疯了,你也为结肠镜检查这事而烦恼。The kid is bored out of his mind and you are puckered up ove the colonoscopy thing.

录像组的患者观看关于结肠镜检查操作以及清洁的录像。Patients in the video group watched a video on colonoscopy procedures and cleansing.

一是开始经验性治疗,二是建议患者进行结肠镜检查。One is to start empiric therapy, and the other is to refer the patient to colonoscopy.

如果在检查中发现息肉,你需要做一次结肠镜复查。If polyps were found during your procedure, you will need to have a repeat colonoscopy.

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只有单独的大便隐血试验阳性情况下,结肠镜作为首选的检查方法是有适应征的。In the setting of an isolated positive FOBT, colonoscopy is indicated as the first test.

为了达到这个目的,一般要求在结肠镜检前一到两天流质饮食。To achieve this, a clear-liquid diet is recommended for a day or two before colonoscopy.

大多数结肠息肉可以在结肠镜检查过程中完全被切除,而无需经过开放手术。The majority of colon polyps can be completely removed by colonoscopy without open surgery.

此外,大肠镜检查在术后早期的诊断有其重要性存在。Furthermore, significance of colonoscopy in the early postoperative period should be emphasized.

结肠镜检查让外科医生可以检查直肠和结肠的内壁。Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables your surgeon to examine the lining of the rectum and colon.

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当上消化道内窥镜和结肠镜均无发现,小肠检查具有指征。When upper endoscopy and colonoscopy are both unrevealing, evaluation of the small bowel is indicated.

这一研究报告的主要作者说,“我们的研究再次重申了肠镜筛检结直肠癌的金标准角色。”Our study reaffirms the role of colonoscopy as the gold standard method to screen for colorectal cancer.

在至少间隔3周所有纳入研究者分别交叉先后行NBI和结肠镜检查。All participants underwent NBI and conventional colonoscopy with at least 3 weeks between the procedures.