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纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。Universe University.

只有天地万物知道。Only the universe knows.

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那是一个封闭的宇宙。That is a sealed universe.

宇宙是平衡的。I. The universe is balanced.

让我在宇宙的完满里。In the allness of the universe.

他的肉体就是宇宙本身。His body is the universe itself.

欢迎来到后同性恋时代!Welcome to a post-gay universe !

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我们是这个大千世界如此渺小的一员。We are so small the universe of a.

我试着寻找我的宇宙的意义所在。I try to make sense of my universe.

你是这个宇宙世界的主宰者。You are the master of the Universe.

宇宙像怀表吗?So the universe like a pocket watch?

理所当然地将宇宙据为己有。The universe for granted as their own.

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宇宙运行的规律也会进化吗?Are the laws of the universe evolvable?

天文学是研究宇宙的科学。Astronomy is the study of the universe.

小样,在说什么宇宙大笑话吗。Sample, say what the universe big joke.

他还是天下那个最笨的傻瓜。He is the stupidest man in the universe.

他喜欢宇宙的主人身份。He likes the mastership of the universe.

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基本上,宇宙是自我雕塑完成的。In essence, the universe sculpts itself.

罗斯一家完全来自另一个世界。The Rosens came from a separate universe.

负能量的人觉得自己是宇宙中心小公举。Think they're the center of the universe.