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这次搜索的区间。Notice the printout here.

通常,您希望创建流程的打印输出。Often times, you want to create a printout of the process.

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宽行打印机的一种部件或附件,用以接收打印输出纸张。An element or accessory of al printer that receives printout.

印出我持有十三如最初的小数。The printout I possessed showed four nine as foremost decimals.

雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.

你可以看到这个方法每次都将,原问题的规模缩小了一半。The printout is simply telling me, what are the ranges of the search.

他们应该能够阅读和理解打印输出上的所有内容。They should be able to read and understand everything on the printout.

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这个copy1。c版本中,你们应该有它的打印资料。Here in this version this is copy1.c, which you should have a printout of.

宽行打印机的一种部件或附件,用以接收和堆放打印输出纸张。An element or accessory of a line printer that receives and stacks printout.

列印输出使用最大值空格在之上已选取的呼叫器。外观比例为所维护的。Printout uses maximum space on the selected pager. Aspect ratio is maintained.

不过这招还真管用,一次他们从垃圾箱里找到TOPS-10的源代码,从而揭秘了好多东西。Once, they found a printout of the TOPS-10 source code, and it unlocked a lot of secrets.

广播电视的半小时新闻,只相当于报纸的一两页版面。The printout of a half-hour news broadcast would fill only a page or two in the newspaper.

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在交上来的作业中要有这些输入行或程序的打印稿。Please include a printout of the input lines or program you use with your problem set writeup.

控制台面板会有详细的打印输出指示部署成功。The console panel will have the verbose printout indicating that the deployment is successful.

在未经分类的情况下,此输出提供了有用的返回信息所需的基本显示。Unsorted, this printout provided the basic display required for a useful return of information.

之后顾客得到一份打印出的尺寸表,上有每家应当最适合她的商店名。Customers then receive a printout of the sizes at each store that ought to fit the customer best.

凯伦签署了一份宣誓书以证明她不认识这个女人,并拿了一份这女人肖像的复印件。Karen signed an affidavit that she didn't know the woman, got a printout of her image, and that was it.

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如何创建同时显示高级视图和每个局部流程中的详细信息的打印输出呢?How can you create a printout showing both the high level view and the details inside each local process?

脱离PPT的第二步就是将要演示的PPT打印出来。The second step to break free of PowerPoint as your autocue is to have a printout of your PowerPoint slides.

如果你来不及打印,也可凭护照和订票ID登车,只是得交50卢比的罚金了。If you lose the printout you can still travel as long as you have your passport as ID, but there's an RS 50 fine.