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其实你们是废弃了天主的话,而追随了你们自相传授的传统。So you nullify the word of God through the tradition you have handed on.

北韩还扬言要废除1953年终止朝鲜战争的停火协定。North Korea also threatened to nullify the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War.

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只有他那非凡的身体天赋和镇定的夺冠决心可以让魔术队本赛季对湖人的横扫失去意义。Only his physical gifts and unflappable determination could nullify the Magic's season sweep.

此外,个别系统的法定要求可能会使供应和需求无效,这一点毋庸置疑。Moreover, the legal requirements of individual systems may, conceivably, nullify supply and demand.

本热水器采用金属镁阳极棒,有利于延长内胆的使用寿命。无论什么原因拆卸这种阳极棒,都使得本热水器的质量保证无效。Magnesium anode is used to extend tank life. Removal of this anode for any purpose will nullify the warranty.

其实你们是废弃了天主的话,而追随了你们自相传授的传统。你们还做了许多诸如此类的事!So you nullify the word of God through the tradition you have handed on. And you do many other things like that.

而胰岛素是明,以帮助抵消的影响,糖尿病可对您的身体,这是难以解决的办法。While insulin is prescribed to help nullify the effects that diabetes can have on your body, it is hardly a solution.

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其实只要要求订单至少需要挂牌一秒钟便能使闪电指令和探测市场的方法毫无用处。Requiring orders to be posted for at least a second would nullify the value of flash orders and of probing the market.

如果该神器被用来轰杀这样的目标,它会成功但会在过程中毁灭自身,并且任何方法都无法找回它。If used to nullify such a target, the artifact succeeds but is destroyed in the process and cannot be retrieved by any means.

切尔西在场上11个都是危险人物,所以我们必须确保可以令他们无用武之地,然后再把握住他们在比赛中的弱点。Chelsea have 11 danger men so we have to make sure we nullify that and then take advantage of the weaknesses there are in their game.

刚刚伤愈复出的卡拉格在比赛中有效的化解了前队友费尔南多·托雷斯的进攻威胁,让后者的蓝军首演毫无亮点。Carragher returned from injury to help nullify the threat of ex-teammate Fernando Torres, who had a quiet afternoon on his Chelsea debut.

若在签署协议时未完全公开所有财产,在离婚时法庭可能会宣布该协议无效。In the event of a divorce, the courts are likely to nullify the prenup if all assets were not fully disclosed at the time of signing the contract.

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我是这么说,神预先所立的约,不能被430年后的律法废掉,叫应许归于虚空。My point is this, the law which came four hundred thirty years later, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God so as to nullify the promise.

阿唐换了新手机,为了避开达伟,她装上厕所,可达伟偏巧也想上,这下可让她废了好一番时间。The new phone, o tang change to avoid da wei, she fills the toilet, can reach wei PianQiao also want to, this can let her under nullify the good a time.

通常是设计一个逆滤波器,然后与信号进行褶积,目的是使以前的滤波器对信号的影响变为零。Usually an inverse filter is designed and convolved with the signal, the objective being to nullify an objectionable effect of an earlier filter action.

一直到了19世纪后期,美国才正式在法律上废除普通婚姻法,并同时在法律上对结婚资格添加了更多条件。By the later part of that century, however, the United States began to nullify common-law marriages and exert more control over who was allowed to marry.

5月8日,财政部公布计划将所有地方政府通过设立投资公司的方式获取贷款的担保作废。On March 8, the Ministry of Finance announced plans to nullify all guarantees bylocal governments for loans taken out by their investment companyvehicles.

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他们中的绝大多数,花费了太多的时间,要么站着不动干瞅着队友,要么沿着很容易被对手预判和破坏的线路瞎跑。Most of them spend too much time either standing still and watching their colleagues or running in lines that are easy for defenders to predict and nullify.

由于近代自由理论的影响,很多人认为上帝的仁爱,善良最终取代了他的正义,公正与神怒。Because of the influence of modern liberal theology, many suppose that God's love and goodness ultimately nullify His righteousness, justice, and holy wrath.

博尔顿的马修泰勒表示,如果博尔顿想在周日对利物浦的比赛中取胜就必须限制住托雷斯。Bolton defender Matt Taylor admits the Trotters will have to nullify the threat of Fernando Torres if they are to secure victory against Liverpool on Sunday.